The Idea of "Slipping Away" Appeals To Me More &am


Well-known member
I'm really starting to fancy the idea of suicide, just to take a few extra sleeping pills one night and see what happens, hopefully never wake again. Nice and easy.

I've had 23 years of life, I get the "jist" of get up/go to work/come home/sleep: repeat:repeat:repeat...and so on. It's over-rated and not all that great. No real friends, no respect, nothing.

If I'm being honest, I really can't see myself sticking it out for another 23 years.


yeah lifes been a rough task 4 me too, if i knew what the other side holds i probably would of been left , just try to find a little hope, science is advancing
and im sure they'll come up way better treatmeant perhaps a cure eventhough it seems like forever


Well-known member
Hi there I can really feel for you as I feel just the same right now. do you have anybody you can confide in? if not, please go and see your doctor as I am sure they could offer you some support. if not, email me anytime and I will help where I can although I am not much use to myself perhaps I could be to somebody else.


Well-known member
Not having any real friend to be honest with is hard..
I can't really say I know what it feels like, but it must be nice having someone like that.

The depression you're feeling can result in committing suicide..
I know it's difficult to cope with.

I guess trying to find a friend is the only advice I can give.
Maybe it could change you.

Someone to be honest with.
Someone to watch movies with.
Someone to hug.
Someone to lay in the grass and look up at the sky with.
Some one to make life worth living.
Or maybe just a shoulder to lean on.



Well-known member
I have felt the same way for some time. I can't imagine living to see age 30, and I've always believed there's a reason why.


Re: The Idea of "Slipping Away" Appeals To Me More

Soprano said:
I'm really starting to fancy the idea of suicide, just to take a few extra sleeping pills one night and see what happens, hopefully never wake again. Nice and easy.

I've had 23 years of life, I get the "jist" of get up/go to work/come home/sleep: repeat:repeat:repeat...and so on. It's over-rated and not all that great. No real friends, no respect, nothing.

If I'm being honest, I really can't see myself sticking it out for another 23 years.

I'm 38 years old and I've had suicidal thoughts since I was 13 or 14 and still do to this day. I remember when I was your age I felt so alone, hopeless, and depressed that I wrote a one page letter about how pathetic my life was and why I shouldn't go on another day. At the time I was out of work, career plans were shot, had no friends, no girlfriend, lived in a walk in closet (literally) and just hated myself. I never thought I'd live past 25 so why go on? Well I did go on and I'm glad.

There's a lot more to life than you think there is. There are many good things that will happen that you can't see right now. There are many things worth living for that you have yet to discover. Life is more than just going to work, coming home, sleeping, repeat, etc. even if that's all your doing right now. There's meaning. There's purpose. There's hope.

Though I still have some of the same problems today that I did back then, when I look back over my life I'm glad I didn't end it. A lot of good things have happened and I'm very happy to have experienced them. My life has been FAR from perfect, but I'm thankful and grateful I didn't give up and cut it short. I definitely would have regretted it.

Don't commit suicide. It's not the answer. Get help and live. You can do it.


Well-known member

I know how you feel as I go through cycles of depression just like this.

I think a lot of it has to do with western style societies and their propagation through out the world. Everything is based on accomplishment, either you are a part of the plan or a cliff note, either you are a team player or the water boy.

when life was truly about survival there was no time for depression. The establishment has made us so comfortable we are becoming increasingly Dependant on the system for survival. I don't even get a feeling from people who aren't depressed that they truly belong, or that they are truly a part of something special.

Instead of suppressing suicidal thoughts I find it helpful just to be satisfied with dying at any moment. You could get struck by a truck, or you could win a million dollars...if you knew which one would happen in the future would it change your mind about your actions now?

check out "Suicidal Thoughts' by Biggie Smalls...some may think the song is depressing but I would say it is honest.


Well-known member

Think of the consequences. Think of the people around you, but not only that even for more selfish reasons. What if this goes wrong and you end up as a vegetable? Thinks carefully before you do anything!

I am a bit older than you, at times the monotony that you talk about is still there, but I still have hope why? I have improved. Sure it might be slow progress and I am by any means not completely cured, but things can improve. You never know, you might have a lucky break and your progress might not be so slow. In any case you can escape the monotony of work/eat/sleep. As IcarusUnderWater2 said if your drive is strong enough to consider doing something as drastic as this... it might be strong enough to escape the monotony.

Ultimately its your decision, but think carefully before you do it.
