the fluctuating brain


Well-known member
Does anyone ever feel super bright one day and then completely retarded the next- and I don't mean in the sense of doing the occasional ditsy thing, but as though someone has draped a heavy, wet blanket over your brain?


Well-known member
ghost_train said:
Does anyone ever feel super bright one day and then completely retarded the next- and I don't mean in the sense of doing the occasional ditsy thing, but as though someone has draped a heavy, wet blanket over your brain?
has that something to do with bipolar depression ? that's the 1'st thing that came in my mind :roll:


Well-known member
ghost_train said:
Does anyone ever feel super bright one day and then completely retarded the next- and I don't mean in the sense of doing the occasional ditsy thing, but as though someone has draped a heavy, wet blanket over your brain?

Yes! Definitely, and it sucks :x

Now and then I'll have a day where I feel confident and sociable (well, as sociable as I ever get haha) and even start wondering why all this life business usually works me up so much... but then the next day I'm nervous, awkward and completely exhausted by life again. It's almost as if the bad energy which didn't show up on the confident day has collected and overflowed into the next day, to make it extra-horrible :roll:


Active member
Yeah I get that. One day my brain is working so well. I'm good with numbers, analysing stuff etc. But then the next day I can't seem to be able to do anything. It's like I have suddenly lost my ability to think....