the film "wanted"


Well-known member
i watched that last night and well is basically about what seems to be a social phobic. my partner turned around and was saying stuff like "what a weirdo" --- IF ONLY HE KNEW!!! :oops: :oops:

Anyone else seen it?


Well-known member
Yeah I thought he seemed to be social phobic too! It was a great film :D I wouldn't worry about what your partner was saying....most people don't understand us anyway ;)

Actually that film made me want to randomly shout "shut the f**k up"... lots of motivation there....I think that might be a good thing lol :roll:


Well-known member
Cool i always wanted a film to have a character with SP
Thanks for the heads up
Ill have to DL it


Well-known member
Yeah, ive seen it aswell, absolutely loved it, but i really like my action films :D
I dont think it was maybe specifically Social phobia, just a guy that had anxiety attacks that made him less confident but i suppose a lot of people here can still relate to that
The cars were awesome in it though & so were the scenes on the train!


Well-known member
Yeah i was going to mention this film! I've seen it and it's a brilliant film. I could relate to the main characters anxiety problems.