Eh this dudes makin some sense, i see that SAME shit with people. SA ties into your ego, and enuff of your egos feel wtf do we have to show for ourselves? Wtf am I? Wtf am I worth? Problem is, thats your dam ego askin those foolish questions and when you see other people that are blatantly controlled by their egos...its straight funny.\
Man here made some sense too when he said its all a latter and people at the top are never happy. SAY FUCKIN WERD i was waitin for someone here to say that. The ONLY reason those people arent on this site is because their insecurities dont lead to debilitating symptoms that stop them from doing that ego-feeding behaviour...same mens/gals can get that liquid confidence n hit the club and feel like hotter shit in the morning. People who get panic attacks in clubs find that same routine a lil more rigorous if you feelin me...
But BECAUSE we gotta conquer our symptoms to live proper, we're also conquering our yall better check that ladder top soon szeen? 8)
Eh this dudes makin some sense, i see that SAME shit with people. SA ties into your ego, and enuff of your egos feel wtf do we have to show for ourselves? Wtf am I? Wtf am I worth? Problem is, thats your dam ego askin those foolish questions and when you see other people that are blatantly controlled by their egos...its straight funny.\
Man here made some sense too when he said its all a latter and people at the top are never happy. SAY FUCKIN WERD i was waitin for someone here to say that. The ONLY reason those people arent on this site is because their insecurities dont lead to debilitating symptoms that stop them from doing that ego-feeding behaviour...same mens/gals can get that liquid confidence n hit the club and feel like hotter shit in the morning. People who get panic attacks in clubs find that same routine a lil more rigorous if you feelin me...
But BECAUSE we gotta conquer our symptoms to live proper, we're also conquering our yall better check that ladder top soon szeen? 8)