The 3rd-person persective?


Well-known member
I was reading some posts about curing SAD and how it is mainly about defeating the "3rd person" perspective..and i just wondered if anyone who understands that concept could explain it more..or give some examples of situations and what it actually is. Im pretty sure that i do it, but i cant quite grasp exactly what im doing and what i need to stop. In alot of situations I do see myself as how other people are seeing me and very conscious of my actions ..instead of actually just reacting to my surroundings as normal. I dont spose I would think i was doing it if i wasnt but it all confuses me sometimes. i dont know whats "normal" and what isnt.

Edit: what does happen alot, is sonethi that feels like my actions are being narrated. E.g I'm sitting at a table with people and I go To have some of my drink... I will almost hear someone say "she picked up her glass". It's just insane!
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I completely understand what you mean by the 3rd person perspective. I get that a lot -- mostly only when I'm alone tho, like my brain is bored lol. I'll go about my work day narrating everything.. talking to myself, occasionally I even have fake conversations with people in my head.. so either I'm crazy, or sociallly starved (probably both).
I completely understand what you mean by the 3rd person perspective. I get that a lot -- mostly only when I'm alone tho, like my brain is bored lol. I'll go about my work day narrating everything.. talking to myself, occasionally I even have fake conversations with people in my head.. so either I'm crazy, or sociallly starved (probably both).
Yeah, I do that too. Although I didn't before.
This seems interesting... I'd love to know more about this.
But I don't exactly understand what a 3rd-person persective is..


Active member
I'd never heard of such a thing but it's good you brought it up. It makes me think about the way I treat myself sometimes, like I'm trying put distance between the parts of me I think are "repulsive".