That's Life

I really empathise with people who have suffered long term bullying and here is my story.

I was born in a small town in the northeast of England in 1964 according to the medical records early in the morning. My earliest memories seem to be a love of food and art and until I started junior school my life was pretty normal. .I cannot say why I became the attention of so much venom but I did and here are some of the incidents I recall. one of the first I remember is been tortured at the bottom corner of the field, been spat on and hit with sticks, we were playing japs and commandos a fun game unless you’re the P.O.W .Another is a having the whole class cheer on a girl as she punches you in the face I did manage to get away a few times but they cornered me and much to the crowds approval she forced herself on me. as a child you cannot reason why this is happening your just scared and try to figure out how to stop it.but for me it didn’t stop it just got worse the beatings became more frequent my confidence was slowly eroded away along with my self-esteem. And so I entered high school praying this would all go away like some horrible nightmare you wake from but because my grades were low I was placed in the bottom class and it is here I met my new school mates it didn’t take them long to show me what they had planned for the next 5 years ,I was stabbed with needles I still have the scars ,hung over stairwells, locked in small cupboards and the usual trying to get home in one piece terrified and angry I wanted to fight back but fear stopped me so I took the beatings and a strange thing happened I started to believe I was a bad person and deserve the punishment, physical scars heal but mental ones can last a life time. I enjoyed learning at school but on the days I would fake illness I remember just wanting never to go back. I left high school with low grades which meant I couldn’t go onto further education now at 16 physically and mentally scarred I wanted nothing to do with people but my father managed to encourage me into starting work at a local engineering college the prospect was nerve wracking but I summoned up what little confidence I had and took my first steps into a new career. My father was a welder by trade and I was curious to see if I had any of the skills I was surprised to see I enjoyed welding and slowly started to feel the tension and fear disappearing then one day when I came into work I saw one of the kids I use to go to school with from the moment I saw him I knew what was going to happen I was hoping I could leave all my troubled past behind me but once word got around the beatings started I was tied into a vice and set on fire, had my boiler suit ripped open with knifes ,kicked with steel cap boots I would come home in tears angry at my father for sending me to this place I could of left but why should I so I stayed for the whole year got my certificate but no job unfortunately. the next few years I did a few government schemes took a few beatings had a near death experience when someone rammed a mental spike through the cabin I was sitting in missed me be about a foot and so It went on until I was in my early twenty’s I can spot a bully a mile off now and I’ve met many of them although it’s more mental abuse than physical these days I would like to add I’ve spent many hours taking to various therapists and councillors looking for an answer but the truth is there is none except **** happens and you have to deal with it so I decided to go to college study hard and get my diploma we all face hardship as we go through life and that’s what defines us as a person.


Well-known member

And you have no idea why these people targeted you? It seems like a hell of a lot to do to someone as just a random target. :S


Well-known member
That's one of the most shocking things i've ever heard :(

I was never bullied myself, but i knew a few people who were, and one of my best friends nowadays used to be bullied really badly throughout secondary school. I don't know why it happened either, there was nothing really that different about him, he's quite intelligent, sociable and has a skill for writing... but somehow he always attracted the bullies. At secondary school he'd get a big gang of people abusing him at times, lead on by a couple of ring leaders. And although everybody knew that it was going on, but no-one did anything about it (myself included). I guess we were all scared of the bullies as well...
Thanks for taking the time to read my story i doubt i'm alone in having expeirences at the hands of bullies, i was a quiet kid and sometimes thats all it takes to become a target.


Well-known member

Welcome by forum. Very sad and extremely cruel story of your live. Im sorry to hear it that u must go trough those rough times i hope u will find your peace and happiness in live. U become target for no reason:{{ I don't understand why is like that, why someone must go trough those horrible episodes of live...shame for them what they was doing to u. Im speechless..welcome here and i hope u will like it here.
I was a very very quiet & shy as a kid, and still am quite this way really. And i got a fair amount of "stick" over the years.
Not that long ago I created on here a thread entitled "How much does bullying REALLY f... you up". Basically the threads about listing one's bullying experiences, compare them with others, and maybe get a sense of how much the bullying f's you up as opposed to other things (ie to try to "rationalize" it as much as it can be). It might help you a bit to read that post, and feel free to post your own list of past bullying experiences.

Also, some points off the top of my head, about bullying:
- All bullies have at some point or another been bullied themselves
- What they despise in you, are the things that they're terrified might exist in them also
- Bullies get a "warped sense of pleasure" from attacking/torturing others (ie they're "sick", and really need help)
- All bullies (believe it or not) start off as babies/tots with a "clean slate" (ie "pure" and "innocent" (if those are the right words)). Then their character, over the years, becomes tainted & somewhat "rotten"

There are ways & means of "successfully" dealing with bullies, to get them "of your case". Personally, I have never really used any of those methods. Instead my main methods have been:
- Isolation from them (& society; maybe luck also, as i luckily never came into regular contact with any major bullies after my school days; in my view this is WAY superior to all other methods, but is not for everyone, as you have to be willing to give up almost all contact with "the real world" out there). At school, in breaks & between classes, i avoided walking in areas where i knew bullies might be situated (& i usually tried to walk at the rear of a group of people (pref my friends, but any group would do)); that way the bullies would rarely even SEE me
- At school, i tried my hardest not to give them what they want (1 - no "evil eye" or staring (as that is the excuse they're looking for), 2 - no reaction/response (they also want to see that they've managed to "affect" you; it is also another excuse for them to attack you again))

Of course that did by no means stop all of my bullying, but i definately did help. My strategy of "being meek & mild" (& "playing dumb"), in my mind, served to not give them what they wanted (& also so i didn't feel as controlled by the f***wits, as i hate being controlled, esp by people i hate), and didn't get them "riled up" (i was very slight, & terrified of getting into any scuffles/fights)

It does strike me as a little odd that this "chap" was still "putting the boot in" even out of school - how old was he? 15? 16?. He really "should" have grown out of THAT degree of bullying by then. What was his problem???. It's wasn't you - you're just the "trigger". He must have some really bad s*it bottled-up inside him.

Another thing about bullies, is that most of them (from my eperience) seem to have problems with "impulse control". So while a "normal" person (not a bully), whom doesn't like you, may from occasionally have thought like 'oh .. i wish he would just curl up and d**' ... the bully takes this to the extreme and ACTS upon some of his thoughts (which very quickly change into physical impulses) ... and they have these thoughts/feelings EVERY TIME they see their target. As i said, these kinds are "sick dogs", and one has to almost "tiptoe" around them, so as not to anger/etc them.

Every type of person/ality has "special requirements" as to how they need to be treated, and bullies are, if you look at it like this, are just another type of personality, albeit with "special needs" (NO disrespect intented to you bullies! .. no, no .. i meant .. i .. i .. i mean it PURELY as a COMPLIMENT .. to YOURS TRULY .. what i mean is .. that you're .. you're .. SPECIAL .. YES, you're SPECIAL .. in a SUPERIOR-TO-ALL-OTHERS sort of way! honest bullies! honest!! .. would i lie to you???) (he he). This made-up monologue does suggest that the typical bully does actually feel VERY insecure about themselves (their "ego" to be precise - as they are "all ego & pretence"), and seem to require constant verifiying of their "superior status" - and one way they do this is by bullying/belittling/etc others.

The view of a bully (& people) via the "Onion" model...
1) Top layers (rough/thick skin of onion): ROLE(s) (eg role of bully, son, sportsperson,...; each role is different; eg 'i am top-dog')
2) Middle layers: EGO (specific traits; eg 'i am honest', 'i am a good guy', 'i believe in...')
3) Inner layers: TRUE SELF (most people very seldom, if ever, reach this layer; they believe "thay are" who they have "defined" via the (logical/thoughts-based) ego & roles, and that nothing else of them exists)

Sorry for going on and on .. it's a compulsion of mine (can't stop, need for completion, or sth) :D

I’ve spent many hours taking to various therapists and councillors looking for an answer but the truth is there is none except **** happens and you have to deal with it so I decided to go to college study hard and get my diploma we all face hardship as we go through life and that’s what defines us as a person
I think that's basically correct, but i don't believe it's 100% accurate though. **** does indeed happen, especially for people like us. But here's a few points about this which i believe:
- There are always CAUSES for the things which happen (ie everything is a "chain reaction" which starts-off somewhere specific, and leads to the final result; in scientific circles this is known as "cause and effect")
- There are always REASONS for thing to happen to you (that is, you can LEARN life-stuff from them; a related quote goes sth like this "your worst enemies are your best teachers")
- Sometimes, you don't know what you can change, until AFTER you've changed it

To finish with: I suggest you really look into ways on how to combat this. You need to CHANGE some stuff, else the situation WON'T change. Personally, i don't recommend (if it were possible physical-types of methods). I have a feeling that (& i've probably written this before in other posts) PHYCHOLOGICAL is the way to go - you have to try and "get into the bully's head" (i know, a scary prospect, but necessary i believe)

Edit: Just recalled from forum rules (couldn't find them again) something about users are not meant to post their own recommended cures/solutions??? Or sth like that?. Coyote?
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It's good that people on this forum are willing to share there personal memories even though they are painful to remember. knowing you are not alone can be of great comfort.:)