That first step

About a week ago I finally told my family I had major SA issues. I went to my first counseling session the next day. That morning I was about to freak out. I needed my mom and my older sister to get me into the building and keep me there. Yea I forgive my older sister for going shopping after my 1 on 1 session started xD.

My emotions were kinda running high and I was very nervous during the 1 on 1 session. I think I told that lady more than I had told anyone Id ever known in my entire life. She could tell I was very anxious and fidgety. I almost spilled the bottle of water she gave to me lol.

Afterwards, I took my depth breath like she said and I did feel a lot better. It was just incredible how relaxed I felt at that moment. Just to share what I was going through with another human, face-to-face, and have them listen and talk to you about what you had to say.

If anyone is questioning whether or not they should get professional help all I have to say is do it. Don't worry about the money. Every town has some sort of department of social services which will get you almost free mental health services and reduced medication prices. Don't worry about peoples reactions. I didn't get help for 10 years because I was scared of how my family would react. Don't think that you are the only one suffering. Everyone on this forum is suffering right along with you.

You can do this. We can do this.

That first step may be the most difficult, but It is also the most rewarding.


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Well-known member
A couple of years back I decided that something had to change. I read heaps of CBT books and did the exercises but did not experience any real benefit. If anything I got worse. It was only when I started seeing a CBT therapist that I started to make progress.


Well-known member
I was wringing my hands out after my first session. Now I go there like it's nothing.

Good on you for taking that first step. It'll get easier for you, I promise.