thank you everyone i've made progress!

a couple of days ago I posted on here that I can't speak to my boyfriends parents so I thought to myself to try some of your advice. So here it goes...

I was sitting in the sun with his mum outside his parents house and my boyfriend was busy cleaning and washing his car and I thought I should go and help him but I decided to try and speak to his mum. I just started off with how are you? and the conversation seemed to just occur naturally, yes there were some awkward silences for me but I asked her questions to get to know a bit more about her and we spoke for a good three hours, I looked at the time and it had just sped past. We went indoors because the weather had become too cold to sit outside and we just sat and spoke.

I feel really good about this because it must have been my first proper conversation with her and it wasn't as scary as I made out. We just spoke about random things but I suppose I did let her steer the conversation but it felt really good to speak to her.

So I want to thank you all for your support and advice and this is a small celebration for me and a step in the right direction.