Tapering off medication question.


Well-known member
So Im on Celexa 10 mg and Seroquel 40 mg. Im tapering off the Celexa* to completely get rid of it from my system. I haven't had an anxiety attack from reducing the pill but I noticed that sometimes I would get migraines. Migraines usually come around a day or two in a week.

My main question is, are these migraines problem stemming from the tapering process and is this normal?? The migraines aren't really a nuisance to me.

*I started Celexa at 20 mg -> 40 mg then started tapering off from there. Recently I went from 20 mg -> 10 mg.


Well-known member
its very possible. Your brain chemistry is changing slowly due to the tapering off.

I mad a switch from celexa to wellbutrin myself and i too experienced migraines.