talking with long sentences..??

When I talk, i talk with short answers mostly.
Because i'm afraid I say anything weird, or stupid.
When someone ask me, ''So how wasyour weekend?"' I'd say, ''Oh it was fun''
No details.
But on msn I always tell a long story what i've did.
But in real it's just so hard.
Now i'm at my grandparents and they asked me about my weekend, and now i really feel dissapointed on myself that i didnt tell more .


Well-known member
that is exactly my problem !

when i see people speaking for so long i wonder how they could do it !

i noticed that recently, when i try to talk in long sentences i get lost fastly, and i feel

not understood, bad feeling !

in my imaginary, i speak without stopping, and i say when i will meet someone i will have

so much to say, i will talk about that thing and that...and so on.

but when it comes to reality, i just stay quiet and get lost !!


Well-known member
Yea i have same problem. I answer shortly, just few words, just important things. Other ppl just talk talk talk, but most of it its just useless talk that could be told in 1 sentence. I guess practicing speaking would work.


Well-known member
lol sometimes my mates at work say hey gary did you see that film last night , i just say no sometimes cos i cant be bothered to talk about it ....
I remember as early as elementary school being amazed and confused about how people could talk so much, and for so long... I always scratched my head wondering what they could possibly be talking about. Now I have a little bit of an idea, but I still could never see myself just going on in the same way they do.

Even at college when I would write papers I would keep things concise and to the point... when I was supposed to be writing a 6-8 page paper, I could never get it to more than 4 or 5 pages tops... and fortunately I don't think I was ever marked down for it being too short, I guess content counts more than length.

When I'm chatting online with people, I do tend to say more than I do with people in person... not sure really why that is.