talking to yourself


Well-known member
Yeah, I do that. I have conversations in my head (but I don't physically talk).

Another thing I do, is sometimes I fantasize having a conversation with someone else. I get so caught up with it, that sometimes my mouth is actually moving as I'm fantasizing the conversation, and people look at me like I'm crazy.


Active member
I have been talking to myself since I was a little kid. When I was younger and someone caught me, I felt foolish, but as I have gotten older, I have learned to not care what other people think.


Active member
I do it at a stoplight, and if someone pulls up beside me and sees this, I don't care. Besides(LOL), I am never going to see that person again anyway.


Active member
I say random things in my head all of the time. The strange thing that I do is I make up stories that I usually say out loud when I'm by myself or in my head when I'm around people. I have a sad life and I fantasize about what it could be through the stories in my head.


Well-known member
your posts are all really interesting
i usually think about situations which have happened during the day or how i feel and bitterly critisize myself in my mind. Which is pretty common in social phobs anyway.. i hate that whatever i think is transparent through my expressions. I'm sure people must think i'm mad when they observe me occupied in my own thoughts.


Well-known member
Yeah I talk to myself, in private though. Especially if I feel like I've messed up or if I'm doing a chore or something. I reprimand myself and compliment myself, in high stress situations, I reason with myself. Its weird, but I've kept it my dirty little secret lol!

Occasionally my husband will come into the room or something, and ask me who I'm talking to, or what I said, but I just shrug it off. He hasn't caught on yet, lmao!