

New member
Does anyone have any synchronicity happening around them, which they feel is influencing their OCD? Synchronicity (in case you don't know) is basically coincidences which feel as if they are connected somehow, or have meaning behind them.

This tends to happen to me with particular words or objects that will reappear to me numerous times a day/week. They don't appear to be connected, but after researching a bit about synchronicity I seem to have it in my head that ALL my coincidences are related, and that they all heed some kind of sign or warning.

I feel like this re-inforces my indecisivness based OCD that if I make the wrong decision about any little thing, there will be bad consequences. It ties into my challenge of determining what's OCD and what's intuition. Like I feel as if my intuition is pulling me in a certain direction to avoid a bad consequence, but then I don't know if it's my OCD or if it's my intuition.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar, or had synchronicities that have interefered with their OCD/life in any way? :confused: