

I was just curious if anyone else here took supplements on the regular to help manage their general anxiety? I have met a couple of people who swear by inosital(sp) powder and fish oil, although they said that these are long term strategies that take 6 months+ to show any real benefits.

I've been trying out a few things lately: kava kava, valerian, chamomile, etc. These have been in combination with the zoloft and ativan that I take on a daily basis (100 mgs and 1 mg respectively).

Basically, I drink a cup of kava kava tea combined with 1 mg of generic melatonin every night to go to sleep. The Kava tea comes from a company called Yogi tea and it's the strongest one I've found yet.

Kava comes on in about 20 minutes and I can tell a HUGE difference when I take it. It feels like the nagging--I don't know--URGE to notice/be aware of my body anxiety is reduced. I sit back and chill, read a book or play a lil WOW for about an hour while the melatonin starts to work it's ay through my system. Once the melatonin hits me it is usually lights out

The other thing I've been trying is this combination product called Somadin. It's got l-theanine and valerian root in it. I've only been taking it for about a week now (at lunch) and it augments/emulates? the effects of my ativan. Body anxiety/urgent OCD thoughts reduce by I'd say 30-40 percent throughout the day. I'm very happy with this one.

Have you guys had any experience with herbals like this?
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Well-known member
I take a number of supplements: multivitamins, omega-3 fish oil, lutein, green tea capsules, colon cleanse and apple cider vinegar tabs. I don't take these all at once, but I will alternate. I think fish oil is suppose to help reduce symptoms of depression.


Well-known member
I take some supplements including omega 3's and multi vitamins... but so far as helping with panic or anxiety there is this really good one put out by puritans pride called super snooze.. and if you only take like half a tab it really really helps to relax you..

Edit: Actually one time our bitches were in heat and our stud was going like absolutely ballistic trying to get out of the house to the kennel to get to them.. to the point that he was hurting himself gnawing and chewing at the screen door... so we gave him some of that Super Snooze and it calmed him right down.. it was like amazing..
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Well-known member
I take about 6 fish oil capsules a day...2-3 in the morning after another 2-3 throughout the day after cant really overdose on them.

I takke 1 multivitamin in the morning and a little capsule called St Johns Whart, to reduce anxiety... about 2 times a day.

On top of that, I keep fit and stick to a pretty good diet and make sure I atleast get 8 hours sleep