marciaX3 said:
i admit that suicide is constantly on my mind. ever since my dad died when i was 9, i have wanted to die, and not a day goes by w/o me wishing i was dead. yeah, i had my attempts as well, obviously sucky ones. i've banished god from my life (no offense to anyone). i truly blame him for all the crap that has happened to me in my life. and no, these were not things i had control over or could've changed. these are things/people that happened *to* me. i even rated "very high" in "suicidality" when my therapist did my 3 month evaluation so it's always in the back of my mind to want to die.
so my point is, i have a decent idea of where you're coming from. i'd say the biggest reason i haven't died yet is b/c i need to live for my little brothers. in the event that my mom dies, i don't want them to go to anyone except me. no one else can take care of them. if it weren't for them, i would've jumped in front of the train or walked into incoming traffic long ago.
i can't say if we'd be "happier" if we were dead. i'm not sure if we definitely go to hell for killing ourselves or not since there's no way of knowing until you're going through it yourself. all i know is that i'm tired as hell of the life i've had to live and the way life has tormented me... anyhow, i hope that whatever you do, you find what you're searching for.
First, my condolences for the loss of your father, which has obviously affected you deeply.
It's true, as you mention, that one does not have control over external events in one's life that can cause suicidal feelings etc. However, it's important to realize that it's not the events in themselves that cause these feelings and emotions, it's the way you perceive the events...if I am being bullied, I could say that its the bullying that is causing my depression...but actually it's my negative thoughts associated with the bullying that's making me sad, not the actually bullying in other words, in order for the cause (the bullying) to have an effect (i.e. depression) on me, I first need to perceive the cause as being's the way you interpret external events that create the feelings, not the actual events in keep to the example, if you analyze the bullying and come to the conclusion that what they are saying is untrue, then it has no negative effect on, whatever is creating suicidal feelings in you, you need to change the way you interpret these causes (whether it be the death of your father or whatever it may be). Understand that his time had come, do not take responsability for his death...if that's what you are doing. I hope at least some of this makes sense! But you have a great reason to live: your younger you say: you could not commit suicide because you have a responsability to be there for them, should it be nessesary. Kudos for that..

OMG..sorry for the long, long post...