

When I have childish people around me, like little kids, or people from my age who aren't really intelligent ( no offence ) I don't feel judged at all.
I don't know why. So I'm wondering why.. Maybe you guys know?
But I feel safe around them, more than people who could think more about me....
Also around OLD people I feel better, because they mostly are really friendly.
They are kind and they feel blessed by everything. That's why I feel so safe.
But Sometimes this helps me..
When I think that everybody around me is stupid ( no offence XD) I feel much better, they don't know a thing about me, they just stare at me because they have nothing else to do .. lol ::p: That's a better thought , cuz wondering what they will think when they stare drives me crazy.
Maybe this also helps for you people :)
Greetz, Flowergirlie ::eek::


Well-known member
Are you sure you are not confusing stupidity with innocence relative to your situation?

But I feel like that too around some people, especially when I work at the psychiatric inpatient unit XD


Well-known member
I experience the same thing. When I'm around people who don't expect too much for me f.e. older people, children,.. not a problem ! But when around people around my age I always think I'm not good enough.::(: