studying psych.........helpful?


Who here has studied psych seriously before?

that is my new plan, one to three years of intense study at University.

They say that to solve a problem you must first understand the problem...

Anyone have an undergraduate degree in psych or similar? Useful?


Well-known member
Understanding is important but the key to solving an issue like this is to practice it in a practical sense, you need exposure more then the psychological understanding itself, because if you think too much about how peoples minds are working it can mean you'll overthink.

ive never studied psychology because i dont have enough time or the dollars to finance a three year course right now.

Its education and you'll learn about the mind so it can also be helpful and insightful, thats no lie. :wink:


Well-known member
It's an interesting idea. I wouldn't know what to advise but I'll comment on my own experience here.
My counselor says that I 'intellectualize' too much - which means that I try to 'think' my way out of my problems instead of 'feeling' 'facing' 'grieving' etc. I have found this to be true; 'understanding' only takes me so far and then I grind to halt and start spinning my wheels.
If you do decide to go to University - perhaps you could make it a point to include, on your own time, the very important 'practical ' aspect that Richey mentions.
Also - perhaps you've already done this - you may want to check to see if the curriculum of a 3 year course of study will be specific enough for your needs. Human behavior is so complex that it's possible a 3 year course of study would give you a very good, broad understanding of many, many aspects of psychology but may not provide enough focus on areas you are interested in.


Well-known member
I am actually in my senior year of college and my major is psychology. I know some people might decide to major in this to 'figure themself out' or whatnot, but that was never my intention. I just enjoy the classes for the most part...

Most of the classes I have took really didn't help me understand myself. I guess the ones that sort of addressed SA were Abnormal Psych and maybe Theory of Personality (ironically these were two of my favorite courses!) I would recommmend taking these courses because they are interesting and it might give you some new insight. Test 'em out and see if psych might be something that interests you.


Well-known member
The only class I've taken as a psych major that's directly addressed social anxiety is psychopharmacology, a class on drugs that act on the brain basically. I thought that class was very informative. Abnormal psych and clinical psych probably also address SA, but these are not areas of interest to me.

As far as understanding myself goes... I guess I'm not sure quite what that means. Why do I do what I do? How did I get to be who I am? I guess these questions never really needed to be answered by psychology. Really, these questions never really need to be answered ever. What I would say to you, though, is that if you are curious about why you do the things you do, psychology will offer you a "perspective" on yourself, mostly via what it says about large groups of people that you happen to fall into.


Great feedback,


I'm most interested in child development and abnormal psych because they might help me to understand how I got to be how I am now, and who that is.

But, learning, perception and cognition are also very interesting to me.

I really believe that everything that is learned in psych will be highly useful in teaching.

I hope I can help children with SA.
