Stressed, depressed, trapped, judged


Well-known member
Hi. All I feel is stressed, depressed and trapped day in day out. yes, some days can be a lot better but I am going round in circles and am growing so tired of this. Seems like people judge me negatively only seeing the outside, and not the goodness I possess on the inside. I feel like people seem to be only interested in themselves and think I am not worth bothering about just because of my stressed, depressed exterior. Why are people generally so shallow and lacking warmth, it would make a world, a world of difference if there was more kind, supportive people out there for me and people like me.

Don't know if I can carry on like this for much longer but will have to keep trying but it seems fruitless trying to feel good for any length of time. Cannot make eye contact comfortably as always thinking about where to look as my eyes do not locomote automatically as they should - I know this sounds twisted but this is something I have no control over but it's making a huge negative impact of the quality of my life. I really don't know what the point is of putting up with this ***t anymore. Can anybody offer me some kind of support as I feel like I have nobody and that nobody really cares that much about me. I could quite happily fall asleep and never wake up the way I feel right now. thanks for listening to this waffle if you've have bothered to read this post.


Well-known member
Why are people generally so shallow and lacking warmth

All I can say is that I really don't think this is actually the case- but I can fully appreciate that it does feel that way through the haze of depression. A bit like how a town looks so dreary under drizzly, overcast skies; but immediately feels happier and more inviting when the sun peeks through the clouds.

Stress and depression are synergistic. Try and take a few small, positive steps to lower your stress levels, and depression may, likewise, subside- at least slightly.

Wish I could be more helpful/specific...


Well-known member
Cobalt - All i can say is that i get so tired and frustrated too, and i don't know what it is but the older i get the more pent up frustration i have, because of my inability to open up to people. People are ignorant to the fact that social phobia exists and they merely dismiss us as either; Being really shy, snobby, stuck-up, boring etc and this lack of understanding is very difficult for people like us.

I'm sorry i can't offer any advice i just wanted to know that you are not alone.


Cobalt I think I have exactly the same as you, the automatized behaviour... It is hard to explain to someone who doesn´t have it. And the people, majority are like this, sometimes I feel like some other species. Because we operate on different levels. We have no connection. They are outward, concerned with outward things, I have more inner life, the thinking is deeper. I could analyze it, but I won´t do this on this site. They will not appreciate who you are inside, as for me I don´t mind, I do not require it from them. And I let them think I am stupid, that´s because they don´t understand me, even can´t because they are just not interested. They judge you often only by appearance or similar things, sometimes they don´t like you on the first sight and don´t bother to try to find out who you really are. But not everybody is like this, there is a spectrum like with all things. There are some who accept you instantly, you don´t even know why.
Anyway, I am happy to avoid people if I can, do things on my own.
The thing is that even like this, I have to deal with people all the time but that´s still fine unless I have to stay or work with someone I don´t like.