Stranger stalker..?


Well-known member
When I read this article, it resonated with me because I think I might be!

Not stalking but definitely seeing a pretty girl, I do think 'I wonder if she'll be there today' or I do check out the Facebook profiles of girls sometimes who I may not necessarily know. But if I didn't have anxiety etc, I don't think I would?


Well-known member
Sometimes I think of myself as sort of a passive stalker. I wouldn't actually follow someone around. But I am very observant when I want to be. I'll take note of things like when and where I'm likely to run into someone and just stare from a distance.:shyness:


Well-known member
I'd say more observant than stalking. I know that I just notice a lot more things than others tend to and people take that the wrong way. Like when someone talked to me about something then I saw something and brought it up to him, he deleted me on social media. But honestly, if it's on social media and comes up in the news feed, then how can I not notice that.


Well-known member
More of a crush than anything else. You think of her and wonder if she'll be here or there, but you're not following her around or trying to find out where she lives.