strange phobia


Well-known member
ever since i was little, I am afraid to wash dishes. Not dishes per sae, But being in water for an extended amount of time.
I am afraid of prune fingers.
i can't explain it, I'm not really afraid But the thought of prune fingers sends shivers up my spine, And if i touch anything with pruned fingers i shiver and shake my head and sometimes feel that i may puke.
i always attempt not to wash the dishes , But sometimes i girlfriend gets angry... what is this phobia called?
does anywone else have this?
what can i do to help myself...


Well-known member
This isn't a phobia, lots of people have it. It just like you shiver when someone scratches with his fingernails over a blackboard ( I hate only thinking about it). Only try not to avoid doing the dishes...that will make it worse


Well-known member
To find out if you really have hydrophobia, ask yourself if you are afraid of water.


Well-known member
no, not water, not black boards, nothing along those lines, Just pruned fingers. if my pruned fingers are bad enough i want to cry/puke