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I'm sitting here and deep thought and I can't help but think. I used to hate deep thought and being alone all of the time. Usually because I would hear voices telling me to kill myself and such. I still do but its like a thought keeps pushing those away. Every time I'm about to feel dark thoughts the girl I really like pops in my head and the voices go away. For some reason I keep denying that I love her. I just don't want to then end up getting hurt again but there's a huge feeling inside me. It just wants her, then there's voices telling me she can get better then me. Then she pushes them away and I just want her even more, I'm just to shy to ask her on a date. I did but it had to be cancelled because of weather and she was busy another night with a recreational sport. It's like she's always in my mind. I love it but I really just want to live the real thing and not these fantasies.