Strange feelings


Well-known member
I'm sitting here and deep thought and I can't help but think. I used to hate deep thought and being alone all of the time. Usually because I would hear voices telling me to kill myself and such. I still do but its like a thought keeps pushing those away. Every time I'm about to feel dark thoughts the girl I really like pops in my head and the voices go away. For some reason I keep denying that I love her. I just don't want to then end up getting hurt again but there's a huge feeling inside me. It just wants her, then there's voices telling me she can get better then me. Then she pushes them away and I just want her even more, I'm just to shy to ask her on a date. I did but it had to be cancelled because of weather and she was busy another night with a recreational sport. It's like she's always in my mind. I love it but I really just want to live the real thing and not these fantasies.


Well-known member
Set another date! You'll never move forward unless you take chances.

...........If things don't work out between you, have a crisis team ready to assist you in dealing with the grief. I'm glad things didn't work out with my first girlfriend!! I would never have believed you if you told me that I would be fine without her.

Hopefully this is the right girl for you. You'll never know unless you take a chance.


I agree with the above response. You got to take chances. Sometimes it works out for you and sometimes it does not. Let someone close to you know what you are going to do so they can support you whether the outcome is good or not so good. The old saying is "its better to have loved and lost, than to never love at all". Everyone has been in this situation, and we can all relate.


Well-known member
Ignore those voices and go with what your heart is telling you to do. You probably do love this girl and you're scared, this is all very normal. I was scared about love too in the beginning. Just ask her out on a dates and see what happens. You never know what will happen, it's better to find out than keep wondering to yourself the "What If?" question. Wish you all the best of luck! :)