Story of My Life


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Hello, as this is my first post, let me tell you about how it came to be here. Lets start with the basics though; I'm a 20 year old male, I was raised in Seattle and go to school just south of the Canadian boarder, and, as my name might imply, I am very much in love with music. To be honest, I don't know where to start, as the story of this post is in many regards the story of my life. I've done a lot of thinking about my past and personality, but I don't know who to talk about it with, so sorry if this gets long.

I'll start where it seems most logical, with some background. For as long as I can remember I've been pretty shy (I’m not diagnosed with SAD, but the various descriptions I’ve read fit me pretty well). Hard to say what exactly was the cause as there probably wasn't just one. However, one thing that does come to mind is that my parents divorced very early. I only have one memory I can think of from before the divorce, which, as it happens, is of me asking my Dad what is wrong between him and my Mom. Hard to say how accurate this is after so many years of never letting it out of my head, though. As I found out recently, I easily build things up in my head to be immensely more important than they need to be, unfortunately, this is usually in a negative way. Although I've been using cognitive techniques I picked up in class to help with this kind of thing recently (i.e. when you've convinced yourself that someone doesn't like you for some reason, ask yourself "why?" and give it some real thought, I often find many more possibilities than what my mind usually jumps to first (i.e. the worst possibility)).
I'll go quickly through the school years for now. I had a best friend, I'll call him Al, who I grew up with. We did everything that you might expect boys who were best friends to do. Then in seventh grade he moved away. I remember the last time I saw him before he moved. I didn't really know what to make of it, I knew he was moving but I didn't know how to say goodbye. A hesitation at the door and an unsure look back, then I didn't see him again except for a handful of times up until today, and each time we grow farther apart. I still use the leather key chain we each made in an after school shop class, but I don't know if that's a good or bad idea. I still can’t say I’ve had another friend on the same level that Al was on.
Another, yet more relevant, event happened in seventh grade, the most embarrassing event of my life. Early one morning I started to feel some stomach pain in class. Soon I started to feel worse, I left for the bathroom, but I was afraid I was too late. In the end I was, I managed to avoid the worst of it, but still…I now had a noticeable amount of sh*t on my pants with no idea what to do and no one I felt could help me. In an act of what I assume was denial, I decided to stay the rest of the day and try and hide it. When I came back to class everyone smelled it within a minute or two, I pretended I didn’t know what happened, got up last at the end of class, and as I was leaving the room, looked back to find a look of “that’s what I thought” on my teacher’s face, she didn’t say a thing as I left the room. Through each class I went like this, all the while keeping my backpack as low as possible and sticking close to any open windows or doors I could find. I had a friend confront me at some point, saying in front of some others that he thought it was me. I, of course, denied it. My one saving grace all day was that it was hot outside and all the windows on the bus ride home were open. I don’t actually remember what happened the next day, but what I do know is that I bottled up that experience until about two months ago when I went to my school’s counseling center for the first time. I still haven’t told my parents, or any other family, about it. But in letting go, first to my counselor and now to you all, I hope to stop the cycle of endless self-criticism, self-consciousness, and loneliness that I have put myself through for so many years.
There is a lot more I could talk about, but as this is already over a page in Word, and I have plenty of time and a forum, I’ll cut myself off. The point of this post is to allow myself to open up to people and accept help. The reason it comes now, however, is that a gorgeous, smart, talented girl seems to be interested in me and every bone in my body wants to be with her, but I can’t shake the feeling of impending rejection, like I’ve reached too far and ended up pushing her away. Insecurities surely aided by the events above. She wouldn’t be my first girlfriend, but it wouldn’t be much of a stretch to say so, either. I know other people have bigger problems, but thanks for reading if you got this far, if even one person out there can find comfort from this story it will have been worth it. I’m happy to have found a place where I can talk about things I would feel uncomfortable talking about face to face. Again, sorry about the length, I’ve wanted to get this off my chest, and out of my head, for a while.


Well-known member
Welcome to the forum. Im only new here to so hopwfully we will find the comfort we are looking for...
My mother and father are seperated too. It sounds like the difference between me and you is that you wanted them to stay together. I desperately needed mine to be apart, for everyones sake. It could be worse though.

Also sounds like you have no self-confidence. Yeah so that thing happened in school, time has passed and people have forgotten about it - you should too. People are so caught up in their lives that their topic of discussion changes quick. I'd say you are the only one left worrying about it. Now you have had some release with the situation, its time to move on. Embarrasing things happen, but there also soon forgotten about.

With you friend must have been hard for you. If you were as good friends as you say you were, then he proberly felt the same way. But remember...friends come and go but memories are forever. Allow yourself to accept that keeping the letter is what you need for memories at the moment. Whenever you choose to bin it, you will feel comfortable with doing so. Right now it doesnt sound like you are - and thats ok.

About the girl - go for it. She doesnt know you (maybe a bit), but she can get to know you. If shes giving you signals and you like her, build up the courage and give yourself a shot. Dont be so hard on yourself. She might just say yes and then she will get to know the full you.

Oh and dont "cut yourself off", keep posting...i intent to...
Take Care


Well-known member
Thanks for the welcome, both of you! And to Hottie (nice name choice by the way), thanks for the advice. I didn't really realize it until now, but I think that a lot of what you said is exactly what I needed to hear, I do tend to get hung up on embarrassment , so truly, thank you. Sorry to hear about your parents, I wish I had some advice to give, but the only thing I can think of is, there are many, many things out of our control.
On the bright side, the girl has already said she wants to hang out. Its just that during this long weekend there has been little contact, as we just started getting to know each other. Unfortunately though, these are perfect conditions for me to start to doubt myself. I just try and think about every interpretation of a situation so that I have no expectations when I see her, instead of negative ones that I unconsciously give in to and allow to take over. Anyways, we'll see how this next week goes. I'm rambling now, but no, I don't intend to cut myself off, I have too much I want to talk about. :)


Well-known member
If we never have doubt then how will we ever know the truth ?! So take your doubt and work with it... It will make your stronger in the end.
Having doubts can be a powerful tool if used correctly. If you have doubts, work with them. other times you will have other doubts, but i can reassure you they will be different. Every situation (no matter how big or small) makes us grow. And we can grow in so many different ways that it makes us better, stronger, and more confident. :cool:

So try and not work yourself up...just go with the flow. Im sure you will wisk her of her feet... ::p:

Best of luck...


Well-known member
I know its a hard thing to do but i think you have to ask her out... she showed interest in you by saying she wants to hang out and I'm guessing she said that because she wants you to ask her out to prove that your interested in her... I hope you can find the courage to do so cuz these opprtunities dont come up too often, well at least for me they dont... I regret missing out on the few opportunities that could've led to more.


Well-known member
Yeah, I've got those regrets too. I am trying as hard as I can, its strange though because its only after she shows interest that I actually shut down more. We had excellent mini conversations before, but now I can never think of anything to say when I see her. I've finally given in and asked for help from my roommates (all girls, sort of a long story) which I feel good about. But the problem I'm having now is I think she might actually be angry at me for not talking to her in class. Yesterday I was waiting in the hallway and three of her friends over time sat across from me, which seemed fine, one stuck her tongue out at me, but I don't know her very well, could have been playful I guess. Immediately after the tongue thing I looked over and she was not far down the hall talking to a different friend. Which would be fine, but then I waved, she waved back sort of awkwardly and turned back to her friend, I turned back to my book, we went in the class separately and sat in our normal seats (together, but mine back a bit) and didn't talk until the end of class when we went separate ways. The not talking in class except at the end happened the time before too. I don't really know what to do about this either, if she is mad then its probably just making it worse sending texts and stuff after class or the next day. I never do more than one a day though. The times I have texted or messaged her, since I asked her to lunch anyways (this is when I got her phone number and she said she wanted to hang out), I haven't gotten a response back. When I did finally actually call her, 5 days after getting the number, she sounded super nice and said thank you for calling at the end. She had to call me back actually, didn't have my number saved from the two earlier texts. But she said she had bad memory also. The contradictions and not knowing is driving me crazy, I don't know what to do about them. Sorry, I may have jumped around in the story a bit, hopefully you get the gist. I think it's the waiting that really gets to me, the waiting between seeing her in person each time. I can't take my mind off the situation because it isn't resolved, for good or bad, but I can't help but feel its a mistake to be honest with her for some reason. God I hate playing games, but the fear of rejection is a strong one.
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