Staying Still and concentrating for a long time...


Well-known member
I really struggle to stay still for long periods of time, especially when other people are around. Even if I do remain seated or whatever, I become very fidgety. Maybe I just do something to ease the tensions a little bit. Same could be said for concentration, I can't do that for extremely long periods of time either, when around lots of people.


Well-known member
I'm the same! I sometimes feel as if i am going crazy and have to pace across the room, because i get really anxious and my constant thoughts spin around my head and it won't allow me to relax...I'm exhausted :cry:
I'm always this way, can never sit still, also because of ADHD. Plus if I even try to stay perfectly still I just start twitching, so it's pretty much impossible.


New member
Im the same, i cant sit anywhere in public at all, i get so stressed out with it, and i also pace alot when my head is in spin...


Well-known member
yeah i'm the same way. My anxiety seems to go down a little while i'm moving, so i'm constantly fidgety.


Well-known member
Well yea...I think thats one of the effects of having anixety and constant thoughts. I mean if we had control of our mind and thoughts then things wouldn't be such a big problem. Also, this is a way to solve your problems if you are able to start taking back control of your mind.