Stay off drugs! Read this


Active member
New online consumer health guide reveals nutritional deficiencies caused by prescription drugs, a leading natural health news and information site, has launched NewsTarget DrugWatch(TM), a free online resource that reveals the nutritional deficiencies caused by over 540 brand-name prescription drugs. The pages are provided free of charge as a service to enhance the health and safety of consumers:

That's me recommending this to you. I can't profit from it, I live in Brazil. I am concerned about you, unlike those mfuckers who recommend you take those drugs. Wake up from drug lethargy! Free and empower yourselves


Active member
You don't have to be like that brainwashed cocksucker, you can still snap out of it! Learn how to live by reading independent news! You will find out, for example, that vitamin B can alleviate your depression symptoms! You can lose weight, whatever you want, you can!


Well-known member
leo62 said:
You don't have to be like that brainwashed cocksucker, you can still snap out of it! Learn how to live by reading independent news! You will find out, for example, that vitamin B can alleviate your depression symptoms! You can lose weight, whatever you want, you can!

You're pretty touchy for an enlightened person such as yourself. You're enlightened state on us mere humans makes it hard for me to grasp such advanced concepts, but it occurs to me all you need to do is take a good multivitamin and some good ol' exercise and you'll be fine. Anything serious and your doctor will tell you about it. I'm sure since you're an enlightened being that you already knew this and were testing us lower beings.

I pray for your forgiveness

Ya stupid prick :D


better not to be too draconian either way really. certain drugs can help as a bridge to recovery. i took citalopram for about 6 months and came off it without much trouble. i was in a state when i went on it and it levelled me out at the time. SSRI's help balance your brain chemicals just like anti-biotics halt infection. i would agree though that if you become reliant on them to function then it's not really any sort of long term recovery. but then some people may be so affected that they need to take something forever, not my place to tell them they can't. i'd advise them to try other things aswell in the hope of coming off medication, and be grateful i can cope without it at the moment.


Active member
I'd never use drugs to cure SA. They just seem to me to be the easy, short-term way out.


Winter said:
I'd never use drugs to cure SA. They just seem to me to be the easy, short-term way out.

Easy 8O what is wrong with an easy way out? As long as it works I am all for it - the easier the way the better it is. I am not trying to impress anyone. I just need to get over this disroder and start living. If drugs do the job (which they are) then I will use drugs, if hypnotherapy has been shown to work then I will do it, if some sacred underground NATURAL root shows effectivness in treating this disorder in a scientific setting (please no testimonials like the ones on Seredyn - bullcrap) then I will try it.


My suggestion use drugs if they work for you and you can tolerate side effects. Definitely, learn about the drugs you are taking. Read literature if you can. Knowledge is good.

Good thing about drugs is that they are synthetic and not natural. They have been tailor made for a particular condition. That's why they have more efficacy and less risk than natural remedies. Just because something's natural doesn't mean it is safe. :roll: I am kinda sick of the people poo pooing drugs and talking about trying alternative, (many wacko) treatments.

Sure if you have time to waste, then experiment with the natural, no drugs route. You might get relief or you might not. I would rather stick with what works.


Well-known member
i'm torn about medication.

on one hand it can be good for extreme cases to get them back on their feet. other people simply cannot function without it. i know i have had my times where i needed something anything.

on the other hand it can become a crutch and you are kidding yourself if you think there is any research proving there are no long term side effects of these drugs. the drugs are too new to know how it can affect the human body in the long run. people act like medication is a modern day miracle and don't worry- the government has everything under control! they wouldn't possibly allow pharmaceuticals to be sold to the mass population without knowing how they might endanger their bodies in the long term future. HA. yeahright.

i think people should exhaust all other resources before turning to the happy pills. as soon as you get off the pills you are back in the same boat again, same symptoms you experienced before being on the pills.

i do have my days though where i wish i could just take something to make the anxiety disappear, to function better, to relax, to be normal.


EDIT: I can't believe we get just 7 post per 24 hour period. So I have to edit this comment in.


"on the other hand it can become a crutch and you are kidding yourself if you think there is any research proving there are no long term side effects of these drugs. the drugs are too new to know how it can affect the human body in the long run."

ok Dottie, tell me what are the long term side effects of untreated social phobia?

It's a matter of using your own judgement and weighing the risks and benefits of using drugs, doing CBT, trying some other intervention or no intervention. No intervention may not be the best option.

It depends on the severity of the case. If it is mild, sure don't take drugs. Do CBT or some other PROVEN method.

If you have moderate to severe SA, then take medication but try to take as little as possible. That is what I am doing. 0.5mg a day of ativan for me as and when needed. You should take just enough medicine so that it eases you to the point where you can try out new experiences. do some graduated exposure. Put yourself in situation where you will be FORCED to do something challenging. Take a speech class, go to Toastmasters.

After years of living with SA, I have been forced into so many terrifying situations over the last 4-5 weeks. Now, I am still nervy if I have to do a group presentation or give an answer in class. But what I have noticed is that "relatively smaller things" like making phone calls etc. seem easier to me.

If you have patience, try CBT. It's proven to be effective in treating SA.


Well-known member
i heard living is not healthy either. in fact, its deadly. omg omg what do we do now. oh lord, give us strenght.

shaaaall we gaaather at the riiiiiveeeeer


Active member
Synthetic better than natural? Look around you. Do you really think humans can match nature? All these ailments(including cancer) didn't exist 100 years ago because they were all invented to sell drugs that have relative efficacy(work on about 5% of the population, but the side effects are for everybody!). Nobody cares about you recovering, they just want you hooked on their drugs. Look, I'm not Mike Adams, the health ranger, I will not waste my time here trying to convince anybody. If you don't want to open your eyes, then goodbye, I'm outta here.


Well-known member
Its fascinating how drug companies can spew this crap about correcting chemical imbalances, as if its just the same as curing an infection with anti-biotics. They spend billions of dollars a year trying to make people believe that these drugs are the cure. Its absurd, becasue every single person on this planet has the potential to feel anxiety and depression under different circumstances and almost everyone does at some point in their lives. Does that mean that we are all born chemically imbalanced?

The drugs are good for one thing. Numbing you. Sure, they can take away the pain, but they also take away the joy. They can take away what it means to be human. After a while you even start to forget what its like to feel desire and to want something so bad that you are filled with utter exhultation. I've been down that road for many years and all I remember of those years is like some dulled gray memory, where everything before and after is alive with color and music and ...even pain.

For me personally, I would rather walk through the depths of hell every day of my life then to feel nothing and lose that potential to feel some measure of joy and happiness - because that is what it means to be a human and that is what it means to be alive.


leo62 said:
Synthetic better than natural? Look around you. Do you really think humans can match nature? All these ailments(including cancer) didn't exist 100 years ago because they were all invented to sell drugs that have relative efficacy(work on about 5% of the population, but the side effects are for everybody!). Nobody cares about you recovering, they just want you hooked on their drugs. Look, I'm not Mike Adams, the health ranger, I will not waste my time here trying to convince anybody. If you don't want to open your eyes, then goodbye, I'm outta here.

Humans can't match nature in many areas, yes I agree. What humans have that nature doesn't is direction. We are working to improve the lives of people. Nature does not work for us. Its products may be useful, irrelevant or harmful to us. Ultimately, we have scour through the many different products, until we find a useful one. If we find some natural product which is shown to be effective, then I fully support it but so far I haven't seen any (for SP treatment).

I hope you don't believe that cancers etc. were invented so that drug companies could profit. Yeah, there def. is a money angle. Not denying that but you are taking it to the extreme.


Well-known member
Stop using the word natural. What is human nature? To improve ourselves. What did evolution give us? Huge brains. Combining high intelligence with a desire to improve ourselves is what brings us to this point.

What constitutes natural to you? Food is all? You want to live natural go back to a cave or something. Scavenge for your food like some stupid primate. Maybe natural for you is when we got a little further and developed farming or maybe its when we started using metal tools? You see, natural is just some invented word.

Our food isn't natural at all. Again, because natural is as far back as you want to go, nothing is natural for us. Did you have to chase down your food this morning? Did you have to walk a few miles to pick berries?

This brings me to a point against this natural fad. What can come from nature, but nature? What can come from our natural brains, but something natural? Using a certain plant to cure a disease is just as natural as using a pill. Anyone that says anything else is just full of it. Don't call it natural, but just different.

Most of these natural nuts aren't even that healthy. They think because they eat some organic food that they're as healthy as they can be. Very wrong. Exercise will always be the king of health and if you don't exercise all the organics in the world won't help you reach your full potential.

Trying to make drug companies and the government a sort of Boogy Man is hilarious. You can go back to the forests and live your natural life all you want to, nobody is stopping you. If you don't want human progress to continue in your presence, by all means live in a hut or something.


phoenix1 said:
Its fascinating how drug companies can spew this crap about correcting chemical imbalances, as if its just the same as curing an infection with anti-biotics. They spend billions of dollars a year trying to make people believe that these drugs are the cure. Its absurd, becasue every single person on this planet has the potential to feel anxiety and depression under different circumstances and almost everyone does at some point in their lives. Does that mean that we are all born chemically imbalanced?

The drugs are good for one thing. Numbing you. Sure, they can take away the pain, but they also take away the joy. They can take away what it means to be human. After a while you even start to forget what its like to feel desire and to want something so bad that you are filled with utter exhultation. I've been down that road for many years and all I remember of those years is like some dulled gray memory, where everything before and after is alive with color and music and ...even pain.

For me personally, I would rather walk through the depths of hell every day of my life then to feel nothing and lose that potential to feel some measure of joy and happiness - because that is what it means to be a human and that is what it means to be alive.

Anxiety is a normal and an important feeling. It warns us of impeding danger and prepares our bodies to face the worst (fight or flight response). In people with SP, it seems this natural ( :lol: ) safety mechanism has gone awry. We experience irrational, chronic and in many cases debilitating anxiety. This is what differentiates us from 'normal' people with day to day worries.

If the medication is numbing you, then you are taking too much. As I said earlier, take just enough medicine to take off the edge of anxiety (my doctor's advice).