started taking citalopram


Active member
hello every1. just got my perscription for my anxiety and depression, the doc has given me 20mg citalopram, just taken my first one 2day, never taken anything like this before so im a tad nervous. Ill keep every1 posted on how it goes. Craig


Well-known member
What kind of side effects do people on this get? And do most people get some sort of side effect?


Active member
Ive not had any side effects the only slight problem i had was a thew days of drowsiness each time my dose went up. I guess thats pretty natural , other than that been doing there job


Active member
yer i felt a bit drowsy yesterday, wasnt anythin bad tho, i dont work or anythin so i just chilled out on my bed lol. Dan and recluse , do they actually help with your SA ? i just cant get my head around of what to expect when they start workin(after the two weeks), how do they make u guys feel? more confident? not as much blushing(if u do blush)?


Well-known member
I've started again on 20mg of Cipramil this week as well.

Has worked well in the past and am hoping will work well now.

Finding it impacts on my sleeping though...


Well-known member
Yeah it may mess your sleep patterns as it tries to rearrange your neurotransmitter thingys. I was on Citalopram in early '06 for something like 9months (upped from 20mg to 40mg)my sleep pattern was wrecked! It helped with my SA but only mildly in that I didnt feel anxious going out and talking to folk. I had to come off as I developed these pounding headaches.
Word of advice smyth, if you decided to come off for whatever reason, the 'brain zaps' you'll experience are normal and should wear off after a few weeks.


Active member
thanks okkamsrazor ill remember that pal. Yer i had to have a snooze this afternoon i felt really tired dont kno if its these pills or what, but im guessing im gona have a hard time sleepin tonight :evil:


Active member
I dont find that they cure or remove anything just takes alot of the edge off that would otherwise stop you from doing things. They just make you alot more stable in terms of handling the anxiety and it does put quite a big cap on depression.