Something someone said to me

Is the guy your friend? Because friends rag on each other like that all the time..

It's like when I say "Wow this is boring"

Then my friend says "Your mom is boring! OH BURN!!"

Just take it lightly and toss a burn back his way, which you did so good job!


Active member
freestylemonster said:
Is the guy your friend? Because friends rag on each other like that all the time..

It's like when I say "Wow this is boring"

Then my friend says "Your mom is boring! OH BURN!!"

Just take it lightly and toss a burn back his way, which you did so good job!

Well yeah, he admitted to me that thought of me as his "best friend" although I'm not sure I consider him to be that, we are friends I'd say though. We've ragged on each other all the time, but I always kept the girls out of that b/c I think most guys are sensitive about that, even if they won't admit it. I dunno, maybe he was just joking, maybe not...


Active member
man you dont know how much this type of stuff effects me on a weekly basis. Its crazy looking at it from someone elses perspective. my week will be going well and then someone says something like this and it gets ruined like nothing. To be honest, i dont know how long you have been battling SA or w/e, but it gets better as time goes along. People will throw shit at you (jokes like these) because they can, as long as you throw something back they will laugh and you will feel better. (at least I do) I try and make it funny and go along with it. Trust me it gets better as time goes along. Now I know it is your best friend, I dont really know what to say about that, although you do say that you guys rip on each other a lot, so I think it was just in line with that. It was probably just a joke in bad timing with you.
anyways i know no matter what someone says will help, but just know you are not alone.
I think we should have a thread like this as a sticky for people to write something someone said to them and have people talk about it....

Take care.


Well-known member
Hard to comment without knowing how close you are as friends and how he said it...

There's a saying: 'Many a true word is spoken in jest'.

I'm all for a good piss-take, but there is a line in what I'd take from friends. People are pretty insensitive - that's about it, really.


Active member
Hard to comment without knowing how close you are as friends and how he said it...

There's a saying: 'Many a true word is spoken in jest'.

I'm all for a good piss-take, but there is a line in what I'd take from friends. People are pretty insensitive - that's about it, really.

random guy,

Yeah, I think people often times cover up the truth with a joke, even if they mean it. He seems to think we're "best friends" or whatever. Maybe he was just commenting that b/c I didn't have a girlfriend atm, and it wasn't a reflection on me in general? I don't know, maybe he does think I am a loser.


its possible he was simply joking, but how can I know for sure?