Some people


Well-known member
i agree. the whole idea of this site is to get and give support, vent and talk to others with SA. but instead some people just wanna tear eachother down... :?


New member
Its the evil world i guess. 22 years on this planet has made me hate everything about it. The air, the people, the animals, my parents, my relatives, my friends everyone and everything.


Active member
Well, folks, I have tried to answer seriously in several threads. So you all still have enough to respond to that is at all substantial without having to look too far.


Well-known member

hi i can understand you thinking like this. however, I this this is a generalisation, as I for one do not fit into this category. I am genuine and if you ever need to chat without being judged please get in touch.


Well-known member
Aye. Same here. I tend not to be here all that much, but when I am here I put all I can into a good response, because you've been good enough to come and look for a solution.

Rats to the sarcastic bastards who answer - you deserve better.