Solve rejection problem - brainstorming


Well-known member
It's all about confidence in who you are, and being at peace with who you are. If you build on your personality and take care of yourself, and most of all know what you want and how to get what you want, engaging with women can become easier, because you don't really have things that you are extremely embarassed about.

If you approach a girl with an anxious and embarassed demeanor, chances are they won't be attracted to you. But if you act confident, cool and composed, it'll be easier for them to engage. Having a good sense of humor helps, because it makes you stand out from all the other guys who say the same old, boring things. And if you get rejected and a friend or someone you know tries to make you feel bad about it, you can just cooly say "so? I found her pretty and I wanted to get to know her better, there's nothing wrong with that. It's either that or wondering if I had a shot. At least now I can move on to the next beautiful woman."

It's also very important not to rely on a woman's reaction to define your sense of self-importante or self-esteem/acceptance. If you do that, the pressure's immense. You have to go in knowing that whatever happens doesn't affect you negatively, because even if woman X rejects you, woman Y might not, and so forth, because you are interesting and "worthy".
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Well-known member
Take the expectation out of your head that the other person has to like you back. That's where about half of the fear comes from. I'm not saying approach every girl like you automatically know they won't be interested (because you don't know that), talk to them like they're just friends you're getting to know. Remove that end goal as the only barometer for success, it's not! Even if a girl doesn't like you back, if you can pull off a confident demeanor, be flirty and make her laugh, that is a huge success and practice for the next opportunity you get. You may need to get rejected a bunch of times for this to happen, or you may find someone right away. Rejection is not the end of the world, I have been rejected many times by guys and I am a girl. I find solace in the fact that practically everyone alive has experienced rejection by a romantic interest.
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