society is full of assholes


Well-known member
What gets to me, is when someone tells someone with depression or anxiety or any other mental illness, to just "get over it".... Clearly they don't understand mental disorders or problems... They almost accuse someone with a disorder, of lying about how it is affecting them... That is the problem that I see. Just allot of ignorant people that just don't understand, or even want to understand what it is like to have a disorder. Also, when others talk down to people that they think are inferior to them because they have a disorder??? Those people are the ones that have the problem, and not us. If they have to belittle someone to make them feel superior for some idiotic reason, then they are the ones that have bigger issues than any of us.


some people seem to think that we actually enjoy mental illness and we use it as an excuse.
i would love to cast a spell on the next person that sais that to me, just for 5 minutes and then that person turns round and sais to me "you were right"

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
Anh, I wish there weren't any shame about mental illness. I'd like to just simply tell people I have a mental illness rather than trying to hide it. Trying to hide it just adds another thick layer of anxiety and depression on top of the illness you already have. Its like a double slam. After seeing how my friend was treated as an openly bipolar person, I was lucky enough to know never to tell anyone about it.


Well-known member
I think the secrets and lying are what makes things so much harder. If i openly tell someone I have OCD, most would probably just smirk or roll their eyes. Not to mention the tasteless jokes and talking behind my back. I'd rather just keep it to the only person I trust, which is myself. I mean I've never actually told anyone about my condition before.

Reiji Moritsugu

Well-known member
The thing is "normal" people actually expect us to understand why they are the way they are, yet they will not even move a finger to understand us. We are the ones who have to put up with everything, try to understand and accept while they can keep on being a bunch of assholes...and why? just because they are the *censored* majority;
that is what we get for living in a world where our polar opposites dictate what is "normal".

As I heard somewhere: it is fine if we are pretty much dragged to a party, but if someone places an outgoing person in an isolated room for a day then it is torture ._. go figure...