Social Phobics Anonymous ???


New member
Has anyone come accross the recovery program social phobics anonymous. They from what I gather are based on the Alcholics Anonomous model for recovery. It seems of late that I have been presented with this info from a few unexpdcted sources. There seem to be no groups established in Aust. But a number in the US google to find out more. I am in Brisbane and would be interested in hearing from others who would like to give it a go and meet.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.



Well-known member
*stands up to introduce himself at his first meeting*

"Hi, I'm Philly and I have trouble speaking in front of groups........oh wait"


MEH! sorry I am prejudiced against any 12 step programs because they are prejudiced against atheists. I've had plenty of members try to spin it for me and explain how you don't have to believe in GOD, but the bottom line is you do, and I don't.

On the other hand if it works for you don't hesitate to ignore me or tell me I'm a jerk. 12 step programs seem to be very effective for A LOT of people with LOTS of different sorts of problems, drinking, drugs, gambling, sex, and apparently SA.

Secretly I'm just bitter because I'm jealous there isn't a program for a person like me as far as I know.


New member
wandered into g.r.o.w office today and from info at hand they have group meetings along the similar lines.

Though from the few threads I have been reading in here there is a lot of distilled wisdom to be read ..the difficulty is in the application. Not always .. Ever my strong suit.