social phobic has phone phobia

This is why to use answering machine, if allows you be make your choices.
Same with me, only triggered by telemarketers :)

About repetitive invasive thoughts: there was a link to the good article at PureO (pure obsessive-compulsive disorder; I'm not a psychiatrist, just have seen the article) thread, the idea was to allow any thoughts, they will come in the head more frequently, but will leave your mind faster, with less replaying. This is not your fault, what was done is done, you can't turn time back and redo this, next time will be better.



i dont know about the feeling good part. after i've had a conversation on the phone or in person for that matter, i replay it in my mind continuously, berating myself for the idiotic comments i made.

That's called the "post-mortem" where you evaluate your "performance". I do it quite a bit as well. I'm usually hyper-analyzing the other person's tone of voice etc. and sometimes I feel like I'm acting ridiculous because of the way the person is adjusting their behavior to fit mine.


Well-known member
i do the post-mortem thing in person as well. i've considered doing the steven wright thing: recording the sound of a busy signal on the outgoing msg of my answering machine. i have lots of ideas about such msgs. for answering machines. none of them would improve my social life.


Active member
Does anyone have problems with sending text messages? I'm sitting here going over a reply to a friend, trying to think of the 'right' thing to say, all the time worrying more because I'm taking a long time to reply.


Does anyone have problems with sending text messages? I'm sitting here going over a reply to a friend, trying to think of the 'right' thing to say, all the time worrying more because I'm taking a long time to reply.

Man us Social Phobics are really self-torturers. Once you are convinced beyond a doubt that there is something wrong with you it becomes extremely difficult to trust anything that you do. So you question and find fault in everything. ****ing sucks...