Social anxiety is no fun.


I'm really frustrated right now, I'm having a date (not a ''date'' date, just seeing a friend today, going to the cinema and going to eat & drink somewhere)
But i'm just really anxious and worried about myself.
If I don't say anything stupid, If I don't feel anxious around him, If i wont feel judged by people on the street or the places I will visit, If I will feel comfortable, if I will feel relaxed... Damn anxiety!!!
Sorry i'm really frustrated, I want to have a good time, I don't wantn to feel this way! My chest hurts because of this stress ,and I feel dizzy.
But I wont cancel it of course. But its insane that i have to feel this way before I see a friend , i trust my friends, they are great. But still i feel this way!
Also i'm worried about my appearance/looks (bdd thing..) I was watching my pictures and making pictures now and I feel horrible when I look at my pictures.
Only thing that helps is thinking of woman who dont give a damn about their appearance (they look like they dont care), but I do, and that sucks!
I dont want to give a damn about my looks. (Ok a bit then, but not like this, like its a huge obsession! aargh)

BUT STILL.. I will go to the date with my friend!
And try to have a good time.
And he knows about my problems, but I still feel nervous before we see eachother, and anxious around him, I dont want to feel that way.
I hope this time the anxiety will go away and I can just relaaaaax
And just have a greatttt time (Y)

X Flowergirlie
What movie are you going to see? Does your friend know you have anxiety?

If your chest is feeling tight and you're dizzy, do some deep, slow breathing. Your anxiety is probably making your breathing tense. :)
What movie are you going to see? Does your friend know you have anxiety?

If your chest is feeling tight and you're dizzy, do some deep, slow breathing. Your anxiety is probably making your breathing tense. :)

We are going to watch ''Life as we know it''.

Yeah, I will try that. Thanks. But still I feel really nervous and anxious.
I think I will take an oxazepam. Because this feels really bad.
But still it's not a good solvation to take meds for it.
But It's the only way to get the decrease my anxiety.
I really wish I could not suffer from this anymore.
Because this is the whole main thing what makes my life so hard and uneasy.



Active member
Feel for your situation, it's not a pleasent feeling, but it's brilliant that you are challenging it and that your friend knows your situation.

Agree with phocas that it sounds like your breathing has become shallow and is increasing the anxiety and deep breathing should help at least to a degree. Could you also go for a walk or quick run to burn off some of the excess anxiety as well before you go out? just a suggestion.
Feel for your situation, it's not a pleasent feeling, but it's brilliant that you are challenging it and that your friend knows your situation.

Agree with phocas that it sounds like your breathing has become shallow and is increasing the anxiety and deep breathing should help at least to a degree. Could you also go for a walk or quick run to burn off some of the excess anxiety as well before you go out? just a suggestion.

Well i already have a good plan, I will cycle through a place where not much people are. A relaxed place with not lots of people, the woods.
I will try to cycle there, so that I will become relaxed.
Because If I chose the other way I have to cycle where sooo many cars drive and people cycle. So I will take that path to go there.
But in the city and at the cinema it will be crowdy, but I have just took an oxazepam to decrease my anxiety So I hope it works.
And I will walk with my dog before I go. So, I will take your suggestion, but won't run, just walk haha. Now I need to make myself ready.

And yeah my breathing technique is not right, that mostly cause my anxiety.
Or maybe the anxiety causes it, but anyways I can work on that :)

& my friend knows about my SA, he even wants to help me , so i dont have to feel judged around him, but still am afraid of it lol

See ya later I will keep you guys posted how it went.

X Flowergirlie


not actually Fiona Apple
Well based on your pics you are ridiculously pretty, even on a bad day, so you can cross that off your "list of things to be worried about." As for your anxiety, you've done stuff like this before, you can do it again. It's in you, you just gotta let it out. :)