Social anxiety for life?


Does social anxiety goes away after a period of time or will it stick to you for life?sorry for the dumb question I just want to know where I stand with this so I can decision to give up on trying or not.


Well-known member
Does social anxiety goes away after a period of time or will it stick to you for life?sorry for the dumb question I just want to know where I stand with this so I can decision to give up on trying or not.

If you don't do anything about it, it's for life.

If you put in the necessary work, you can overcome SA.


well it is my thought that social anxiety can stick with you to a degree. Because, depending on how it started it may be due to a developmental error in one's life, that once it occurs, and especially if it is let to happen for too long, it can be very hard to reverse if at all.

Once you become an adult and you have not "developed" in the way you should have as a younger person, it may be very hard to learn such skills when you are an adult, especially when there is great pressure on you to be so skilled.

Besides that it can be lead such imbalances that physiologically you may be permanently damaged.

I guess that is if you believe in such autonomy.
No, i certainly don't think it's for life, but it's hard as hell to get rid of. And also, there's no reason why you can't learn social skills as an adult that you didn't have as a child. I certainly didn't have any as a child and I'm working on defeating my social phobia.

If you work at it, you can definitely overcome SA.


Well-known member
well it is my thought that social anxiety can stick with you to a degree. Because, depending on how it started it may be due to a developmental error in one's life, that once it occurs, and especially if it is let to happen for too long, it can be very hard to reverse if at all.

I agree with this. I think that social anxiety will always be a part of me. However, on a scale of 1-100, if it was at 90 ten years ago for me, it is now at a 25, and I think that I could push it down to 5 or so. However, I do not think that I will be able to push it down to a 0. Anxiety is just who I am. Some of us might be able to get over it completely, but I think that most can only minimize it.

That being said, this much lower level of anxiety is incredibly easy compared to the way life was. I felt like giving up many times, but I pulled through and got to a good place. So, no matter how bad or daunting things may seem, hang in there and keep working at it because you can and will get better if you just keep at it!


Well-known member
No matter how successful I am in my efforts to overcome social anxiety, I think there'll always be at least an element of it in me.

Hopefully though this element will just be a minimal one!


Well-known member
I was always socially anxious as a kid, but it has gotten far worse in the last 3/4 years - definitely as a result of bad experiences. Certain experiences made me anxious; I'm sure I could control my anxiety if I was persistent enough I think.


I think it's all about certain circumstances and it's something like "state of mind". Social anxiety is not staying for life, because various things around does change and thus you will adopt and change yourself according to things around so you can became more social and "train" yourself somehow - it can became routine to be social. But yes, you will always have tendency to close yourself in your shell very easily and come again in the same state like you are in now.