Social Anxiety & Anger


Well-known member
So I find myself to get angry quite a lot. Most of the time it starts out with a little annoyance and then proceeds into a rant where I'm constantly bitching and dropping the f-bomb a little more than is necessary.

What weirds me out is that I get angry and make a huge deal over things that many others wouldn't get angry or make a huge deal out of. Maybe I just don't like a lot of the things I see around me (which is pretty true). I try to accept that that is just how life is, but it still pisses me off. And there are times when something goes wrong, and I end up blowing up and getting annoyed and angry instead of taking things calmly.

I have to say, I used to be much worse. Throughout most of my teenage years, whenever I got angry, I would also get violent. I've learned to control myself a lot better since then, and I wouldn't be surprised if the reason I would get violent and almost out of control is because of hormonal changes that all teens go through.

Lately, I've been wondering if my social anxiety has anything to do with my constant bitchiness. Does anyone here think that may be the case? The other possibility of why I'm almost always so angry is because of being the child (now adult child) of an alcoholic, though I haven't looked too much into that.


Active member
I hung out with some people from a school I used to go to when I was like 12 and I got some comments about how I used to be pretty violent. Of course that made me feel terrible that that is how they remembered me. I control all of the violentness (i know, not a real word) now, but not the rants.
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Well-known member
I think you have Intermittent Explosive Disorder. I have the same symptoms/signs as you and i have IED.


Well-known member
My problem is that i keep my feelings bottled up, it keeps building up untill i explode. It's happened on two occasions at work when i exploded because this supervisor was always on my case. I think i scared my workmates because they are not used to seeing this side of me...I just lost control and i no longer felt as if i had anxiety, i was suddenly the incredible hulk! I almost ripped a door off it's hinges at work! I was lucky that a manager had not seen it happening::eek::