So they've handed over the mike to you....


Well-known member
First of all, I am going to rant/complain, something I try not to do, but I am going to make an exception right now.

So anyway I have found that many a times I am the quiet one in group conversations... actually the invisible one. Once in a while thought, they actually talk to you and you become the centre of attention. Now, you probably know what happens next, you hestitate a little, you trip over your own words. You try your best to explain what you want to say, but SA is not helping your cause, also not helping your cause are your impatient listners, who just won't give you the time to collect your thoughts and speak up.

Now what really pissed me off today, I was asked for my opinion on a subject and as soon as I began to speak, the person who asked me, wasn't even listening to what I was saying. In fact I was talking and trying to explain what I wanted to say and they just looked the other way and started talking about something else with somebody else in the group.

How often does that happen to you and do you deal with it? I dealt it with very well --- I did nothing :roll:


Well-known member
Happens to me all the time at work and at school, while your talking to the other person, if someone else that is closer to them or a best friend approaches and looks excited about something then the attention immediately is directed towards them, and this happened to me at work last week with a girl my age, and the other girl(waitress) ran up to her and she's like "omg, omg, guess what", and i reacted and said to her that "dont you love it when people walk up mid-sentence and its all about them", she gave me a nasty look :roll: normally i dont say anything but that really got under my skin, it happens all the time, even my best friends seem to have this priority ladder of people they would rather talk to.


Well-known member
You need to develop charisma. Then people will listen to you. People tend to listen to what I have to say at first because they think I have more to offer than I do. But once they find out I'm a mental midget, they move on.


Well-known member
I can totally relate. The other day, school was over and I was waiting for the bus w/a friend. Her cellphone was being stupid so I started telling her about how mine was acting the same the other day. I said so much then I realized that she wasn't even paying attention to me. She was waving at someone else. Once she finished she was like, "Sorry what were you saying?" It seemed so rude. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders. I wish I had said or done something else. :(


Well-known member
Yeah, it's becoming a little too common now at my place of work. You would be having a conversation with somebody, the moment their friend comes or somebody else they, they'll completely forget you're even there. I am going to make it a point to actually say something about this next time it happens. I guess this comes under assertiveness.

It's worse when you're asked about something, you respond and they're not listening. I am sure if I had done the same thing to them, they would have said something.