Hey Ganache, welcome here! Have you read Wishcraft by Barbara Sher?
She said 'fake it until you make it'

and that it's normal to 'freak out' before TV appearances or such.. in time, you get used to it...
Even people who now speak on TV every day had a rough time at first.. (some even cried, or worse, it may be good to read any biographies or interviews of TV people you admire...)
Putting your biz on 'auto-pilot' sounds good, cause then you can do other interesting things.. Just avoiding people or stressful situations isn't so good though..
Do you write down your pre arranged topics and conversations? It may help.
Journalling, EFTor TAT may help too..
Even Barbra Streisand and Sir Laurence Olivier and some other famous people had SA at a time in their life..
You are very brave to have interviews and do TV spots!!
It may help to imagine how relaxed you will be afterwards (this helps with tests/exams too..)
You can also write down 'worst case scenarios' and brainstorm ways around them then.. And then 'best case scenario', and realize it'll most likely be somewhere inbetween..
It may help to look at videos of some 'normal people' around your age etc. There are even 'TV coaches' that can help you with tips on TV appearances... And there are books about PR/marketing and such.. If your biz can afford it, maybe you can even hire a team or a consultant to help you? Or just team up with other biz owners also going through that, and exchange tips and experiences? Or can you hire a PR person? Or just pretend you are one? Sometimes pretending you are someone else whom you admire can help!
You can also 'practice' with a webcam/camera and then look at your videos and see what to improve, what was good.. (This may be really hard at first.. it can get easier with time) Remember it's the message that is important!!