So, it has come to this.


Well-known member
I got stuck coming up with a title, so I took the safe route of a reference to xkcd.

I figure I've been lurking (with the occasional post) long enough. Truth be told, I have trouble with interactions on the Internet as well (I'm unsure whether this stems from the potential of being denounced as wrong or that any replies will fail to continue the conversation or wholly ignore me.)

Real-life wise, I'm 23, unemployed, and the semester-to-a-year taken off from college bloated into a significantly longer period of time. I am a complete recluse - by choice. I had been ascribing this to passive misanthropy and/or plain ol' being asocial, but a couple of weeks ago I arrived here due to a Google-trail starting from 'shyness'.

I'm loathe to self-diagnose (and not keen at all on actually getting diagnosed, for several reasons), but I'm certainly symptomatic of social anxiety and/or phobia. I never liked to go out in public, but I always associated that with merely being burdensome or slightly unpleasurable; now I become paralyzed at the thought of it. I'm uncertain if this is something new or a case of having been functional and then atrophied due to disuse.

For the sake of brevity I've tried to avoid speculation on what the underlying reasons for my problems are. It's been quite circular in my head, and in attempting to share it I tend to come up with another plausible interpretation. I figure at this point actions - gaining experience - counts for more than introspection.


Well-known member
i took some time off college as well.. and they're pretty lonely times... But also fun :) coz you got free time to do exploring

Actually i found this site about the same time you are now.. a few years ago..

It's cool you don't wanna self medicate man! i tried it... didn't really like it becoz.. too many reasons.. anyway, thats another topic..

welcome to the site :) its a fun place as well..
You know what, labels and stuff... You're right.. It's easy to label ourselves this and that for the sake of doing it.


Well-known member
Heh, I don't regret taking the time off nearly so much as that it's taken me this long to recognize the underlying problems. I figured just a little time and distance would help and things would just kind of get better. But a body at rest tends to stay at rest, and...

As they say, hindsight's 20/20 and I can definitely see a whole mess of missed opportunities if I'd just realized I had a problem and sought help. I try my best not to dwell on that.

Insofar as labels go I do agree. I'm just afraid of being able to rationalize my problems as 'Oh, I'm ill, so it's OK'. In a way, though, I think it is nice to have a name to associate with the feelings. I suppose it's best to just not let it rule you.