So, I'm Mikey...(Laurel, MARYLAND)


Active member
So, hey there. I'm Mikey, and I'm 24. I haven't been here in a long while. Kind of gave up getting help, went into a spiral again. Didn't go to a doctor for years. Finally got a doctor again, a therapist, and a psychiatrist.

Working slowly (too slowly for me) to take steps towards getting better. Trying to go out with my mom whenever I can, walking around outside by myself (to the mailbox down the street), etc.

I've got pretty severe social phobia though, which verges on agoraphobia sometimes (I was home-bound for 3 months once). I don't go out on my own, I don't drive, I don't have a job, I don't regularly hang out with any friends, and I rely on my mom for a lot. When I'm outside of my safe zone (and sometimes inside it) I get heavy duty panic attacks. Ended up starting to get help again when I was actually afraid I had a heart attack and ended up in the hospital. I've been in an out of all kinds of therapy since I was 5 years old. For the last few years I've had dyed hair, going back and forth between pink and blue. It gives me a sense of empowerment for some reason.

Main goal is to lose weight, feel better about myself, and make some good local friends I can get out of the house with.

Anyone similar? Or live in MD?


On the bright side though, I'm a pretty creative person. I run a forum *link below* for creative people, and people who just like to get together online and talk about whatever. I'm a screenwriter and I got a script picked up and filmed last year. Writing is my passion.

Silvox Black

Well-known member
I bear humble greetings to you, Mikey. I, and many others on this forum, wish you the best of luck in this sanctuary for recovery.