so fustrating!


Your not on your own

I am here with you

And my brothers advice is to talk louder to pepole and then that will make you feel more confident

yea sure :x


Well-known member
Yeah, there's nothing worse than others undermining social anxiety. I agree with a lot of what Edith said. The worst is when someone goes "oh I have that too, I get really shy with people" and you feel like correcting them to explain that what they experience is likely only a fraction of what people like us go through. The thing is too that nobody likes a whiner, which makes this doubly difficult. It really is hard to bring up this matter in a mature sort of way without sounding like some attention-seeking teenager who has nothing better to worry about. In this way, SA has almost made me feel like I've become more childish as I've gotten older, which is an interesting paradox.


Here's what it boils down to. People want to be around happy people. The sadder you come across the more isolated you will be. You can't expect to turn around in one day and suddenly become a social pro you just gotta practice or you wont get better!!! But!!! If you come across as really happy and enthusiastic even if you're not the best speaker you will gain more friends!!!


Well-known member
Kinetik said:
Yeah, there's nothing worse than others undermining social anxiety. I agree with a lot of what Edith said. The worst is when someone goes "oh I have that too, I get really shy with people" and you feel like correcting them to explain that what they experience is likely only a fraction of what people like us go through. The thing is too that nobody likes a whiner, which makes this doubly difficult. It really is hard to bring up this matter in a mature sort of way without sounding like some attention-seeking teenager who has nothing better to worry about. In this way, SA has almost made me feel like I've become more childish as I've gotten older, which is an interesting paradox.
i agree with this too..especially about feeling more childish as i've gotten older..or maybe feeling emotionally immature or something..i get mistaken for looking much younger than i am..a coincidence i wonder? :?


Well-known member
I can definitely understand how frustrating it is when other people undermine SP. Although I have never told my parents, they're the type of people that believe, if you're not bleeding, then you're not hurt. They don't even think I'm shy anymore, now it's more stuck-up. Which I'm not.. I'm not anything even remotely close to being stuck up.

But lately, I've been making a constant effort to change, even if I have to humiliate myself in the process. Forcing yourself to be happy or smile/laugh a couple times a day does help sometimes.