so disappointed in myself


Well-known member
I did not get a thing done like I said I would this weekend.
I procrastinated homework til the very last minute, I stared at my messy, over flowing closet that begs to be cleaned out, I couldn't even get enough energy to vacuum.

Why am I in such a funk these days? I hate, hate, hate feeling this way and wish there was something that would bring me out of this.

And the thoughts racing around in my head - Just STOP already!!
dont worry, write it off as a loss and make a better attempt next time. Just put it out of your mind, why procrastinate over having procrastinated at the weekend if you get what i mean. We as humans place waay too much emphasis on time being precious and trying to not waste time...well guess what, time is an illusion. it means nothing. Think of it in terms of the grand scheme of fact the way you could get over it is to waste a bunch more time untill you convinced yourself that time is nothing to be stressed over having wasted.