I have many instances of this, but I always remember this one time when I was delivering pizza.
I had to deliver this wrap to a Gamestop, and you know I like Gamestop so that's cool, and the name on the receipt was a women's so, you know, *cough*, smooth Vj also thought this was cool. At that point I had a become accustomed to the general social script you follow when delivering a pizza ("hi!", "sign here", *awkward wave*, *scream in car*, Repeat). On the drive over, I was thinking maybe this time I would mix it up, say something more clever for a change. I was working out some things in my head, but didn't come to a conclusive decision. Maybe in the moment something would come to me.
So I get in, I deliver the food, and she was telling me how much she loves our wraps and could eat them all the time. In my head, I was thinking "I could say that "we aim to please". Yeah, that'd be cool!" I was very close to saying it, but my body decided nodding and smiling until she stopped talking would be better. I then got back to my car and was going back and forth with myself about whether it would have been very clever and cool, or incredibly awkward and weird. Knowing I couldn't go back in time and find out, I decided to believe the former. It didn't really matter, I would never know for sure anyways.
That is until she ordered the same thing the next day and I was given another wonderful opportunity. I had had 24 hours to replay the situation in my head too, so I was ready this time, and after she again went on about how good our wraps are, I told her "We aim to please!" Now, this may be due in part to my execution, but after saying this I immediately realized that this was, in fact, incredibly awkward and weird, and not cool or clever. I could very much see this in her face, which is, remember, a face that spends all day selling video games to nerds and requires a high tolerance to awkwardness.
Needless to say, she never order from us again.