Sniggering? at moi?


I always think people are laughing at me when they giggling nearby. I think it's just paranoia, but I still think the same thing every time. As for your teacher, she sounds like a real bitch.
If I hear someone laughing, I'm automatically going to assume they're laughing at me. If I hear someone say something negative, I'm automatically going to assume it is about me. I think we connect these things with ourselves too much, because the truth is people probably don't even care that much. And that teacher of yours? Total eewws, why would someone do that? If she walks away from you shaking her head, then there is totally something wrong with the woman. You don't seem like a big joke to me at all, I think that god awful teacher and those girls are total stupid heads.


i was the same way at school i didnt even bother asking the teacher questions eventually it got so bad that if i was late for class i would just skip it cause i didnt want to walk in late and have everyone staring at me


i work in an office with about 50+ people, ive been here almost a year now, but i havent made one friend, im to scared to talk to anyone, i always have this sense that they are laughing behind my back at me. i feel helpless, a nervous wreck at times. im always on my own, its the odd occasion that i manage to engage in a conversation but im scared that i may say something wrong or inappropiate. thats why i keep it short.


i feel you the only time i feel like i can fit in is when ive been drinking because i just say whats on my mind i dont sit there thinking " if i say this will they think im stupid"


Well-known member
Yeah i'm also very very paranoid. Its horrible. I look into things so much and I have had some real embarrassing times where people have been like, "we wasnt laughing at you!"/"your looking into it too much they were blah blah blah" which just makes me feel even worse.


Well-known member
Yeah, whenever I hear laughing or whispers I automatically assume that it's about me. I just started a new job and everyone seems very nice and friendly, yet I still have paranoid thoughts that they're all laughing at and talking about me behind my back, like, "look at the new girl. She's so weird. She barely talks, blah blah blah." ahhh, it's such a horrible feeling thinking that people are talking about you and laughing at you all the time. Why can't I get those thoughts out of my head!?


Well-known member
i started a thread in social anxiety about these exact same feelings.
i feel as though people dont like me, feel like they think im crazy and are laughing at me, making fun of me and i quite often take things that people say the wrong way asuming people are trying to hurt me when they most probably arnt.
im finally seriously thinking of making a Dr apointment about this because it is starting to affect my life so much and i nearly lost my best friend over my paranoya this week :( but i am too afraid to go and admit to someone that i have a problem in a my head and i need help.
Any advice, how do you explain to some one?
where do i start! "hello Dr, i think im a headcase and so do my friends".
i just feel so embaressed about it. :oops: