Hi Brenda, how do you know that you have smelly feet?
I only able to smell the feet once or twice ony.
I am post ETS compensatory sweating sufferer. I thought it is common to have smelly feet since my feet really sweat a lot. But after taking Robinul recently, my feet dry, then I think I should not have smelly feet. But still I can see the ppls like smelling something when i come near to them. But I just can't smell myself. Is it possible that i have body odor instead of smelly feet? I ask my husband but he said smell nothing. But i am too shy to ask others. How can we find out what we smell? I really suffer because of this sweating & odor problem. I can't stay long in one company...
I only able to smell the feet once or twice ony.
I am post ETS compensatory sweating sufferer. I thought it is common to have smelly feet since my feet really sweat a lot. But after taking Robinul recently, my feet dry, then I think I should not have smelly feet. But still I can see the ppls like smelling something when i come near to them. But I just can't smell myself. Is it possible that i have body odor instead of smelly feet? I ask my husband but he said smell nothing. But i am too shy to ask others. How can we find out what we smell? I really suffer because of this sweating & odor problem. I can't stay long in one company...