small bubbles/rough skin


Well-known member
i found around 18 years of age i started getting weird bubbles on the side and inside of the joints of my fingers, usually the index and middle fingers... and they would itch like crazy...

they were hard to pop but when they did it released some clear fluid which made the surrounding skin really hard and dry and look un-appealing...

i remember reading somewhere it might be linked to HH?

i still dont know what triggers mine - i used to think it was triggered by damaging the skin from repeatedly carrying lots of awkward/heavy things


Well-known member
Sounds like eczema? Do a Google search. Most likely it's not related to HH.You might want to check it out with a Dermatologist.


Well-known member
if you wash/scrub your hands a lot or sweat a lot your hands will collect excessive liquids and create a water bubble around the area. I use to get it ontop of my foot when i washed it too much and used scrubs.. best bet is it wait till its gone and keep your hands dry as much as possible. It's nothing serious.. just annyoing


Well-known member
For some people cream makes the itching worse. If you are one of those, use anything that has "Menthol" in it. That's what worked best for me when I had had the itchy bumps.