Sleeping all day today

I sleep all day at times, during this last break, I had nothing to do, my job is with my school and since it was break it was on hold. All the people I know, were back home, and so I slept, all the time. I did this also back when I was home not doing anything for a few years. I go into hibernation mode and sleep. I hate it and I believe my paxil is part of it, but I just do it. I am always tired too, which effect my school work and everything else.


Super Moderator
I don't like sleeping during the day, i would be wasting my day. I often try to find something to do, anything.


Well-known member
i've been there... I haven't been in school since may 2007, i've worked 4 days in the last 16 months (im currently unemployed). it sucks being in a rut.
a few months ago, i was sleeping 12-15 hours a day. spent nearly all my time in my room.
I know why now- because it helps to deal with the anxiety/constant worry I have. I'm a little bit better now (like i wake up before 11 and go outside the house and have actually applied for some jobs) But I want desparately to get out... and i can't have another year like i did before, so i have to make changes- and it's been a really slow process- but slow accomplishments are the way to go.

the things that help me at least a little bit are self-help books, setting goals every day/making to-do lists, and i'll ask myself over what's one thing i can do now that would make my life (or someone else's) a little bit better (and not chose the depressed answer- usually it's like ya know do the dishes or clean the counter, do towels, or at least LOOK through job listings.)

I know that at least a few of my family members have gone through times where they were really unproductive, but they were able to get through it!

Hope things go better for you! And you're not sleeping all day, unless you're sleep-typing :)


Well-known member
When I was prescribed Quetiapine last year, I would regularly abuse it in order to sleep through the day. I don't do that any more and, instead, I've become a master at distracting myself. It's still not the healthiest means of dealing with one's problems but I think allowing myself to remain conscious throughout much of the day is a step in the right direction at least.


Active member
I would sleep all day if I could. I can't, unfortunately. I just wait for each day to be over. I have to take a pill to even sleep at night.


I try to sleep as much as I can because times passes by rather quick when I do that and I don't have the time to get bored.

aye same here, i love sleep, ive managed too actualy switch my brain off completely when i feel like it.
and its great to see more and more other people from europe on here (outside the uk i mean):)


How did you manage to do that? :O. I'm interested! I have 5 hours of maths per week. I need to go in auto pilot mode heh.

Oh and ... don't worry! I'm moving to the UK too :p.

oh first off i didnt mean what you may of thought i meant, i just meant its great to see other people from europe outside of the uk joining the site:)

anyway the switching off my brain thing actualy worked for me through self hypnosis tapes and my mind just goes blank and into complete relaxation.
the tapes are great but i dont know how to send you the link.
but if you go to you tube, and look up "self hypnosis" youl get the idea

you should switch off everything like your mobile and door buzzer.
when i say "self hypnosis" its not actual hypnotised, its just deep relaxation

dont try it in the bath though, cause ive fell asleep loads of times in freezing cold water:)


Yeah I understood the part about being from outside the UK. Don't worry :).

I'll try researching the self hypnosis more and maybe even try it. Would be wicked to be able to do that at certain useless subjects in school.

Cheers :) !

lmao, pmsl, :D
i didnt think you meant trying it during maths lessons:D


Well-known member
I think I'm gonna try sleeping all day tomorrow. My internal clock is set at like eight in the morning but when you have no job, no school to go to and no real prospects then life just seems to freeze in time. Not fun. I'm stuck in a rut I think.


I'm a sleepy time baby, a sleepy time boy.
Work only maybe, life is a joy.

We'll have a sleepy time time.
We'll have a sleepy time time.
We'll have a sleepy time time.
We'll have a sleepy time time.
Sleepy time time, sleepy time all the time.

Asleep in the daytime, asleep at night.
Life is all playtime; working ain't right.


I have my Sunday, that ain't no lie.
But on Monday morning comes my favorite cry.
