Skipping words


Well-known member
Hey, I have noticed for a few years now that I keep missing out important words.

For example, before I post I go over and make everything is ok, but sometimes I miss obvious mistakes like-

"Maybe could try to understand"

Missing a >you<

I don't seem to notice these mistake when going over until much later on. I also sometimes spell things completely wrong even though I see them as they are correctly spelled. These arne't just typos!

Concentration issues? Memory issues? What do you all think?

Edit: I just did it again. I checked this 2 times before posting and now I've just noticed "arne't" is wrong.

I also must admit that I sometimes see words when I post that turn out to be completely different words when I re-read the post. I sometimes think that there is some automatic spell check going on. This happens with many forums but it always ends up being human error. Big human error :(


Well-known member
yeah i had to record a voice message today and i say "the" so quietly it doesnt sound like i said it.....i think i just smoked so much ganja when i was younger that some words just dont seem to be dunno....why worry about it??


Well-known member
I do the same not so much while im speaking but when im typing or writing i leave little words out , i used to do that in school all the time too. I think were just pre occupied when this happens. LoL i just just did it now i had to fix it.


Well-known member
Im the same - both in posts on forums and unfortunately in person as well

communication is something I constantly struggle with, always skipping out words, or saying the wrong words or even worse swapping words around which to everyone else seems very very funny, to me I always feel my only way out of the humiliation is to either kill myself or to pretend to be doing a Yoda impersonation - I never have the courage to do either

I fear opening my mouth because I know I will just stuff up the words completely and say something that noone can understand.

this is directly related to my SP... how do I know this??? well when I was 13 I won several regional speech competitions and was in my school debating team with PERFECT expression and a varied and colourful vocabulary. I was better at communicating than most people my age, yet know I can barely order fish n chips without fucking it up completely

"ummm yeah err order can I chips fish please, sorry, yeah umm *insert random mumbling* ok t-t-t-t-t-t-thansk"

have been noticing it more and more on the internet too, used to be capable of expressive colouful posts and now I have to stop and pause all the bloody time to try to make sense, and when in instant messaging I always send messages with missing or completely wrong words

"how are you today" becomes "How are today"


Well-known member
Hi, I skip words all the time, especially when talking(or attempting to 8O ) Most of the time I am asked to repeat myself, cause noone can hear me, or what I have said makes no sense cause I have out words. Having to repeat myself only causes more embarassment. It's like my mouth may move, but no sound comes out.


Well-known member
i miss words but more oftne i get them in the wrong order when talking
so instead of hi, how are you doing? i get hi, how ya doing are? and i ususally just confuse people. or i repeat words and stuff.


Well-known member
maggie im the same. and i really hate it. i did it so many times today...because i attempted to explain something...big i just stopped talking all together for an hour or so. and stayed quiet for the rest of the day. 8O


Well-known member
Hey I am the same when it comes to typing. Because I type so fast I leave certains words out. I go back to check it and most times I find the errors, but sometimes NOT... :wink:
