Shyness or Social Anxiety ?


I am trying to differentiate between shyness and social anxiety. The symptoms seem to be similar as well. I'm a little confused and not sure of which one I really have. How do you exactly differentiate between the two ?


Well-known member
It is really hard to, but i guess that someone can be shy and still live a normal life whereas social anxiety is more disabling.


Well-known member
I agree with Recluse. People who are shy can have normal lives & still function rather well, whereas social anxiety can inhibit a persons ability to function normally. Social anxiety is much more serious than shyness.


Well-known member
I know of many shy people who have normal social lives....Even celebrities who claim to be shy have no problems performing on stage/tv etc.

Social anxiety is a different monster.


Well-known member
I'm gonna give an example

Shy: asking a girl out; just scared of her reaction, butterfly in the stomach but u might end up doing it

SA: asking a girl out?

I may have over exagerate but u get the point ::p:


I think the border between shyness and social anxiety is when u start to experience phisical symptoms from the anxiety: tremor, blushing, sweating, etc etc u know the rest.

And yes, there is a BIG difference between the 2. Ppl can become socialy anxious/phobic either by being shy first and getting worse gradually, or by having a traumatising experience (doing a stupid thing in front of a audience for example).

I think you summed it up pretty good.

Mr. S

Shyness is a harmless personality trait. Social Phobia is a terrible disorder.

I wouldn't say that shyness is harmless, but much less severe and probably more easily changeable. I know that I'd be a better person if I wasn't shy.


Well-known member
i think the difference is the age of the person. kids are called shy. when you're an adult it becomes a disorder. Children usually overcome it so it's not a problem when they get older. I think that SA is often linked to a traumatic event during childhood. that means that SA and PTSD are related.


Well-known member
Yeh! I think SA is alot more serious than being shy bcuse it frustrates me wen Im shy & thought why isit that there r other shy people around & they don't seem 2 have trouble making friends, especially GF's & I or it does'nt seem 2 cum sooo easily 2me so it must b sumthing else thats wrong with me & eventually I found out, by surfing the internet on shyness'es, SA/SP, Loself-esteem or no self-esteem, no confidence. All'n'all GENERAL ANXIETY as a whole.

P.S - I also suffer Geliophobia as well. (I think thats right).