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Well-known member
I found this while browsing tumblr and I thought it'd be interesting to share, I've put a blank one at the top so people can do theirs
note: i haven't self injured in a while, i've highlighted the noticeable scars


Well-known member
I like the idea.


The "surgery" explained:

- under my eye, had an accident and had a huge cut (stiches)
- Knee, During basketball landed the wrong way -> busted knee
- Chin, someone punched me, I fell with my face on the ground -> huge cut (stiches)
- My buttcheek (I know I know...) fell out of a tree and a nail (that I put in myself) caught me...huge cut -> stiches

Animal accident: A dog bit me

Burn scar: on my ring finger -> my marshmellow melted and got stuck to my finger (Silly I know but it left a nice mark)
And then on my leg (it's smaller then I drew it but meh I'm no good at paint :p ) Bumped into a torch that was stuck in the ground...

The rest I won't explain...


Well-known member

- lower back injury from spending way too much time in front of a computer
- injury in the whole right side of my body from a bus accident last summer
- problem with bone structure from using the computer so much

and the worse of this is i'm still on the computer instead of trying to recover like the doctor told me