Should i tell my family and friends about my SA

I am 23 now and i have SA for as long as i can remember and even with my friends (very few of them) and family i still feel very alone and depressed. The fact is they dont really understand me and what i go through everyday and give me a lot of grief about not really doing anything with my life. (no job, girlfriend, never really go out, etc.) So my question is should i try and explain to them my problems or will they just think im crazier then they already think i am? Have any of you told your friends/family and if you did how did it work out for you?


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I haven't told anyone, but my parents know that i am from meds but not that i have social phobia. I feel frustrated though because i am afraid to tell anyone.


New member
I told my boyfriend and he was supportive but I recently told my friend and she thinks its an excuse for me to be the way that I am, about me staying home, not going out etc. I really do not like staying home at all, I wish I could be outgoing and do things. Its very hard for me and its harder that nobody wants to be supportive so I'm not going to tell anyone else. I feel the same way you do nobody understands what I go through and how I feel. & I feel like none of them care.
I told my parents last week. It was really hard, itntook me about half an hour to do so, I was getting so panicky. However once I told them I felt so so relieved. They began to understand to aspects of my behaviour and are being really supportive. I still don't think they realise the impact of certain circumstances but I will tell them in time.
I've briefly told one friend but I never explain myself fully, so again I don't think she sees the impact certain circumstances have on me.
I guess telling people for me is hard because I hide behind a mask alot of time, pretending to be fine when I'm not.


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WarInsideMyHead said:
I am 23 now and i have SA for as long as i can remember and even with my friends (very few of them) and family i still feel very alone and depressed. The fact is they dont really understand me and what i go through everyday and give me a lot of grief about not really doing anything with my life. (no job, girlfriend, never really go out, etc.) So my question is should i try and explain to them my problems or will they just think im crazier then they already think i am? Have any of you told your friends/family and if you did how did it work out for you?

I wouldn't tell my parents but that's because my mother is very loud (complete opposite to me) and not caring when it comes to things she doesn't understand. I'm not that close to my Dad so there's no real point in telling him.


New member
I've told my parents i think about three times over a period of time. The first two times, I didn't tell them the exact name of my disorder, just told them my behavior and how it affects me, and what others say about me, etc. But the first time i told them, I remember my dad just telling me to "get over it and be stronger" in a gentle way.

The second time i told them again, they were somewhere along the lines of "I thought you had gotten over it already." The third time I told them, I was serious about it and told them the specific name, which I think it's self explanatory: social anxiety, and told them all about how miserably it has affected me in daily functions, etc.

It was weird, but the next day they were acting super nice and cheery to me and treating me like a princess. Which was nice, I got a bit spoiled, lol. But anyway, telling them was like a thousand pounds off my shoulder.

I would never tell any of my friends though. Just my philosophy that people stay friends because the other has something to offer. Even best friends can turn their back on you. Everyone is selfish, so noone really wants to be around depressed, mentally ill people. I wouldn't really expose my great weakness to anyone else really. But that's just me.