should i tell her


Well-known member
Just a question. At my job there's this girl who i hung out with a couple times last year in a group. We we're never really close but know her and she knows who i am. I never told her i work at the same place as her. (it's a big place, so) should i tell her or just forget it since i'll be leaving in two months anyway. The reason i haven't told her is because i don't know if she wants to talk to me again and also im afraid someone at work will tell her that i'm a weirdo or something i've said/done that i socially messed up with. The reason i'm even thinking of telling her is because if we run into eachother she could ask me why i didn't tell her and it would be awkward. We're facebook friends.. i was just going to message her to tell her but i don't really hang out with those friends i had before.. ? Also, the last time i saw her she just said hey with excitement and ignored me after that but there was a lot of people.. eh. I did see her from far away once but wasn't able to say hello since it's kind of uncomfortable seeing someone after a long time.
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Well-known member
My advice:

I'd just leave it alone. It might be awkward if you don't get her attention but you could create a worse situation for yourself if you do. Unless you are interested in her in a more-than-friendly way, just focus on the job.

A friend

Well-known member
Just a question. At my job there's this girl

who i hung out with a couple times last year in a group. We we're never really

close but know her and she knows who i am. I never told her i work at the

same place as her. (it's a big place, so) should i tell her or just forget it since

i'll be leaving in two months anyway. The reason i haven't told her is because

i don't know if she wants to talk to me again and also im afraid someone at

work will tell her that i'm a weirdo or something i've said/done that i socially messed up with. The reason i'm even thinking of telling her is because if we run into eachother she could ask me why i didn't tell her and it would be awkward. We're facebook friends.. i was just going to message her to tell her but i don't really hang out with those friends i had before.. ? Also, the last time i saw her she just said hey with excitement and ignored me after that but there was a lot of people.. eh. I did see her from far away once but wasn't able to say hello since it's kind of uncomfortable seeing someone after a long time.

There's one thing that you shouldn't do if you have a girl you like, never tell her that you love her or like her. I've noticed that no matter what, girls are very frightened when you tell them that you like them.

After that, they become uncomfortable, afraid, and they pretty much don't know what to say to you.

Wait until you become really close friends (so close that you can literally tell her anything about yourself), then you can tell her how you feel (hopefully).


One thing you should realize is that you can have anything if you try hard enough. One good friend of mine (a newer friend) got in a bad drunk driving accedent years ago before I knew him.

He lost his ability to walk, and he spent a few years of his life in the hospital.
In order to get out, he prayed to his god, kept telling himself that he'd be able to walk, talk, and pretty much live his life again.

It's incredibly hard not to give up, especially if you had people let you down most of the time throughout the course of your life.

It's really hard not to give up on something you want if you've had tons of failures for most of your life.

Getting a girlfriend (particularly one you're really into) is kind of like trying to get people to worship you like jesus. It's super hard. Those guys who say it was easy to get a girlfriend are full of $%I@. You know why?

They pretend it's easy, but one of my friends told me that he had to work very hard to get one in his life (get her to notice him and all that stupid crap).

You can't force anyone to like you. If this girl rejects you then so be it. Getting rejected is like having someone shoot you fifty times with an overwhelmingly powerful firearm, except the only injuries you sustain are emotional, and maybe psychological too.

That is the twisted and evil game called love.

A lifetime full of depression is an unhappy experience, but if you continue to suffer depression because you are single, then force your doctor to give you anti-depression pills.

I haven't taken any, but I think they might work pretty well.

Do what you can, and don't give up yet. It's only over if the girl slams the door on your face.

After all, there is more to life than having romantic love. It's very unfortunate that we all have to be forced to want it (it's EXTREMELY UNETHICAL too), but someday, somebody will find the cure, and we will all be free to live our single lives happily, and be grateful for the freedoms we have.

You will not be tortured by this forever.