Should I tell her...


Well-known member
With my SAD, I finally decided to do online dating. I am about to start talking with a pretty cool looking girl with a seemingly nice personality, but I am so intimidated. I am and have always been a loser with girls, and I am embarrassed what she will think of me. Should I tell her I have SAD and see where the ball rolls? Or should I wait till I actually meet her and get to know her.

I just want to get it out there so she knows what to expect...idk its annoying.

THanks for any feedback!


Well-known member
I think u shud tell her but not in a loser kinda way. Instead of telling her "i got this social phobia which isolates me from people" tell her in a way that it sounds funny like "i can be a nervous wreck in social situations, especially when i am with pretty girls so I hope u understand if i act all goofy when i am with u"
i know that might be a lame example but i thought of it just now so that u can think of a better one


Well-known member
I'd tell her, and if she doesn't like it, well then you can do better, social phobia is only a small part of who you are........what about the rest of wonderful you?


Well-known member
I wouldn't say you have it just yet. I think it could scare her off. I would just say something like you are a really shy guy and feel very nervous meeting her and get a bit tongue tied. Words like social anxiety o SAD to someone who isn't used to it sound scary.